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^Third Person^

The four boys stared at the spirit named Izuku in awe. I mean, who wouldn't? A beautiful spirit just appeared out of no where. Shouto was the first to regain his composer, then Ejirou, Denki and lastly, Katsuki. Shouto headed inside his tent and grabbed a walki-talki Aizawa gave him. He turned it on.

"Hello? Aizawa-Sensei?"

"What is it, Todoroki?"

"This might sound crazy, but, we just ran into a forest spirit."

"... I'll be right over."

Shouto put the walki-talki back and left his tent, finding Ejirou and Denki playing with the spirit while Katsuki sat down and watched. Shouto headed over to Katsuki and sat down next to him.

"I just contacted Aizawa-Sensei. He's coming down." Shouto said.

"How does he even know where we are?" Katsuki asked.

"The walki-talki has a tracking devise planted inside it."

"That makes sense."

"How come you're not up with them?"

"With those idiots? No thanks. I don't get how they can become to friendly with strangers. I mean, this is a random spirit who's been here for decades! What the hell are we suppose to do or say? 'Oh you wanna come back with us?' Bullsh*t."

"Understandable. But, we can at least keep him company. Like you said, he's been here for decades and he hasn't seen anyone in those years."


They stayed where they were for about 10 more minutes till Aizawa appeared. The three playing stopped and turned to him. Izuku's face lit up as he ran over, trapping Aizawa in a hug. Aizawa just patted his head, stroking down his hair. The other four just stared in confusions at the scene.

"Aizawa-Sensei. You know him?" Denki and Ejirou asked the obvious.

"Yeah," Aizawa replied bluntly. "How've you been, Izuku?"

"Pretty bored," Izuku said, letting go. "I haven't seen anyone in forever! Being stuck as a spirit for 30 years isn't fun. Especially when your only friends are squirrels."

A nut was thrown at his head, causing him to turn. It was a group of squirrels.

"Oh I didn't mean it like that! Jeez. Do you guys know how to take a joke?" Izuku said.

The squirrels said something before leaving. Izuku just heaved out a large sigh as he face palmed. He turned back to Aizawa who was trying to hold back a laugh, along with the others.

"Now you think I'm crazy cause I can talk to the animals here." Izuku sighed.

"No, no. It's just funny seeing you arguing with squirrels." Ejirou said.

"Anyway... how do you to know each other?" Shouto asked.

"Oh, well... before the whole dare thing, we were good friends. He was like a younger brother to me. He was the only one to venture into the forest to find me. He even burst into tears once seeing me as a spirit," Izuku chuckled a bit as Aizawa's face turned red in embarrassment. "I really shouldn't of taken that dare. I can't even find my body."

"Like I said last time, it's probably at the bottom of the ocean. Even if you're a spirit, you can't venture to far from the forest." Aizawa said.

"I know. I still wanna find it though." Izuku murmured.

"We could find it for you. If you want." Denki piped up as Katsuki just glared at him.

"Really?!" Izuku's face lit up as he ran over and hugged Denki tight. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!!"

Aizawa came over and hit the back of Izuku's neck, knocking him out.

"It'll be better if he's unconscious. Now, are you certain you want to find his body?" He asked.

Denki nodded his head in response.

"Alright. Well, come with me."

They followed Aizawa to a cliff edge, leading down to crashing waves below. Aizawa took his scarf and tied it around Denki.

"I lower you down. Tug the scarf when you want to come up." Aizawa said.

"Here. You'll need this." Shouto pulled out a scuba mask from nowhere and handed it to Denki.

He pulled it on and nodded to Aizawa. He jumped down and started to rock climb down the cliff edge. Once down far enough, he dived into the water. He swam down, looking left and right, till finally, something, or rather someone, caught his attention. He swam down closer, seeing the body in full view. It was Izuku! Denki grabbed his body and tugged on the scarf, being hoisted up. He flew up and out of the water, keeping a tight grip on Izuku's body. He landed on his side before standing upright.

"Found him." He said, staring down at the greenette.

"'Bout f*cking time." Katsuki said.

"Let's go." Aizawa said, taking his scarf back and walking off.

They headed back to the camp, seeing Izuku surrounded by squirrels, butterflies, rabbits, even the white dead before and covered head to toe in flowers. But, the thing was, he was curling up into a ball, slightly tossing and turning and silently murmuring.

"What's wrong with him?" Ejirou asked.

Aizawa let out a large sighed as he rubbed his temples, saying, "when he meets someone with a bad past, when he falls asleep, he sees the persons past like he was there. You'll know who's past he's seeing when he wakes up."

Denki placed Izuku's body down beside a tree, in which the animals all stood up (or flew) over to the body, surrounding it. Izuku started to stir awake. He sat up, turning round. He stared across at them before his eyes settled on Shouto. Aizawa placed a hand on Shouto's shoulder and nodded to his tent. He and Izuku walked over and entered it as the others stayed outside with the animals.

"Shouchan..." Izuku started, before pulling Shouto into a hug. "I'm sorry that happened to you."

Shouto felt tears prick his eyes as he fell to his knees as all the emotions overflowed out of him. Izuku pulled him close, resting his head on his chest. Izuku stroked Shouto's hair, murmuring things like, "just let it out," or "it'll be alright".

"Let me show you one thing." Izuku suddenly said.

He kissed Shouto's forehead as a bright light enveloped them. Shouto opened his eyes to the scene right before his mother poured boiling water on his eye.

"I don't know how much more of this I can take. My baby Shouto's turning more into his father. He's straying away from me. I don't know if any of us will last with Enji's constant beatings. Especially on Shouto. He's just a child! I just want my children to have a normal childhood. I can't stand to look at him anymore. He's turning more into his father everyday."

The scene faded to black as he was brought back to reality. He gripped onto Izuku like his life depended on it. His tears flowed faster, but, he was happier after seeing that.

"Thank you... Izuku." Shouto murmured, slowly falling asleep.

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