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*~Third Person~*

The walk back to camp was silent, the body in Shouto's arms laying limp like a doll. He found the camp quite easily, noticing Katsuki pacing by idly, hands clenched into fists as he cursed under his breath. Shouto walked out from the cover of the trees, gaining Katsuki's attention as his head snapped to him, instantly going to Izuku in his arms. He rushed over, taking the greenette from Shouto's grasp and hurried over to a tent, entering and placing the unconscious body down. He pulled a blanket over him before standing and leaving, coming face to face with the dual haired boy.

"Where the f*ck was he?!" Katsuki asked, sparks flying from his hands, itching to blow something up. "What the f*ck happened to him?!"

"I just found him unconscious on the ground back in there," he turned and pointed down the path he came from, before turning back to Katsuki. "I don't know what happened to him, but he's back in his real body now. He actually connected."

"Oh f*cking course he connected. We weren't gonna f*cking give up on the little sh*t after all we've done for him," Katsuki exclaimed, his voice filled with anger and relief, with some worry mixed in. "Now we just gotta wait for the sh*trag to wake up. Sh*tty hair and Dunceface should be back soon. They'd be wanting to know what's happen to him."

Shouto nodded, heading into the tent where Izuku rest and sat down next to him, letting his tension leave his body as he relaxed. He lay down, propping his head up with his arms behind his head, staring up at the tent roof. He closed his eyes, listening to the soft breathing next to him as he fell asleep. Katsuki stuck his head in, glancing at the two before standing back up outside. He glanced around every-which-way, keeping his ears pricked for any sound that'd indicate that Ejirou and Denki were back. He stayed there for around 10 minutes until Ejirou appeared through the trees.

"There you are, Sh*tty hair. 'Bout time you got back," Katsuki grumbled, grabbing his shoulder and dragging him to the tent. "Icyhot found 'im. He's in there. Just keep your mouth shut. He needs to f*cking rest." Katsuki pushed the redhead into the tent before taking watch once more.

Ejirou looked down to see Izuku and Shouto resting side by side. A smile broke out on his face, seeing the spirit, no, not a spirit any longer, the boy who lay still as a rock. The only indication of him being alive was the rise and fall of his chest, the soft sighs escaping his lips. Ejirou would've ran over and hugged him if not for the fact that he was asleep. Smiling widely, he turned around and headed back out of the tent, standing next to Katsuki who had his arms crossed against his chest, the permanent scowl on his face lifted slightly. He stood by his side, gazing out at the forest that surrounded them.

(Armin is creeper_cat son - thanks rat)

He heard the rustling of a bush nearby, before the blond finally made his way out, exhausted beyond belief. "Man... I finally got out... I thought I'd never find my way back..." he murmured, panting slightly as he looked up. "Did anyone find him? I haven't seen him anywhere."

"Yeah. Icyhot did. he's in this tent right now. Just don't wake him. He's currently resting, so don't make any f*cking noises that'd wake him." Katsuki explained, nodding towards the tent.

As Denki went over to enter the tent, a groan was heard from inside. The three peered in, watching Izuku stir awake, viridian eyes slowly opening. He groggily sat up, rubbing the sleep from his eyes as his hazy gaze cleared. He squinted at first, the bright light from the sun filtering in irritating his eyes. His arms shook under his weight, threatening to collapse. He blinked his eyes open, gaze landing on the three staring at him. He cocked his head to the side, still half-asleep. His mind finally processed what he was seeing and where he was. He glanced from Denki to Katsuki to Ejirou to Shouto who was still asleep next to him. Denki was the first to react, a huge smile breaking out cross his face as he rushed inside, trapping Izuku in a death hug.

"You're back!" He exclaimed, tightening his hold on Izuku who hug him back.

He melted into the embrace, leaning into the blond as he rested his head on his shoulder. "I'm finally back..." he murmured, closing his eyes as he let what had happened settle into his jumbled brain. "Thank you... all of you... for not giving up on me... for helping me..."

"Don't get all sentimental on us now. Of f*cking course we helped ya. We aren't gonna do a half-assed job now, are we?" Katsuki said, smirking as he walked over to the greenette, patting him on the head as Ejirou came over, joining the hug. "What kind of heroes would that make us?"

Ejirou smiled at him as he hugged him. "Yeah man! We are a job through to the fullest. No way in hell would we leave you to suffer like that. That'd he so unmanly!"

"There's no need to thank us. We just did what was right," Shouto commented as he sat up, now awake from his short nap. "And I'm sure you would've preferred to become human again, rather than staying as a lost spirit who's only company are the forest animals."

Izuku giggled lightly. "That's true. I'm glad I'm finally back to normal. I'm never going to do something like that ever again," He sighed as Denki and Ejirou pulled away from the hug. "It's good to be able to hug you guys without the worry of becoming transparent again."

"Yeah. How about you stay with us until the week is over? I'm sure Aizawa-Sensei is worried about you." Ejirou suggested.

"Alright. Thanks again, for everything."

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