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~Third Person~

As the four paced around frantically, unsure of what to do, Izuku started to wake up. He softly groaned, sitting up slowly as he gained the attention of the four pacing boys. They raced to the spirit, Ejirou and Denki wrapping him in a tight hug. Started slightly, he took a second to hug back. He fell into their embrace, sighing in contempt as he relaxed. He felt his spirit start to waver, reminding him of what he had to do. They let go and helped him up, taking him over to where his body lay. The forest was silent as he stood over his body, feeling the four boys hands on his arms, feeling their encouragement willing him forwards. He took a deep breath, calming and stilling his racing nerves. He reached out his arms, the vines rising and penetrating the barrier that stopped him from connecting.

The sting of electricity coursing through him made him flinch, but he pressed on. He brought the body up, facing him as he wrapped the vines around his body. He brought it closer and closer to him, reaching his arms out. He grabbed hold of the body, electric sparks dancing and weaving around him. He held his eyes shut tightly, gritting his teeth as he tried to pry into his body's mind. He felt his spirit waver more, flickering more and more. He felt his mind start to falter. He felt like he was on the verge of collapse, a wave of exhaustion hitting him like a truck. He forced his body's eyes to twitch, the once numb feeling becoming painfully heavy and painful. He felt a twitch in his fingers, his real body's fingers, a twitch he thought he'd never feel again.

He pushed and urged his body to move, to rid himself of the numbness that plagued him, the drowsiness that weighed him down, the exhaustion that stopped him from opening his damn eyes. Izuku felt his knees start to buckle, but he was kept up by his friends, even though his spirit threatened to disappear. The wavering only increased, but he clutched onto his body, ignoring the sparks of electricity that licked his skin. He ignored the pain that flared up throughout his spirit, holding him down and keeping him from connecting. He pushed through the pain that coursed through him, he pushed through the sparks that were flying around him, he pushed on to merge his spirit with his mind. He pushed on, not stopping for a second in case this was his last shot.

'Come on... come on...! Please...! Let me connect...!' Izuku gripped his body's arms tightly, trying to merge with his mind. '...Please... just let me connect... I'll do anything...! Just let me in...!'

A bright light enveloped them as Izuku willed his spirit into his body's mind, willing it's arms to grab onto his own. To pull him in. He felt his body's arms grip his own, barely enough strength to hold on. His eyes, real eyes, started to open, twitching and squinting at the bright light that surrounded them. The light grew brighter and brighter, throwing the four students off the spirit as he brought his body closer to him. He rested his head on his body's chest, willing his spirit to merge with it, gritting his teeth and squeezing his eyes shut. He wrapped his arms around his waist, struggling to stand and to hold his body. And suddenly, all went black...


Viridian eyes fluttered open, staring up at the mass of leaves that blocked out the sun. The chirps of birds floated around him as he groaned, reaching up to his heavy eyelids and tried to rub them awake. He sat up, a new weight causing his limbs to shake with the effort. He looked around, not recognising where he was. He opened his mouth to speak, but he only coughed up water. Breathing heavily, he looked up. He staggered to his knees, than to his feet. His legs were frantically shaking, trying to support his new weight. He leaned against a tree, his legs threatening to give out under him as he hastily tried to regain and compose himself. His breathing grew quiet and calm, his shaking lessening as he breathed in and out.

He stated to walk off, using the trees as support. New scents filtered through his nose, the noise of rustling leaves and animals running about. His squinted his eyes, the light blinding him slightly as he sluggishly moved through the forest. He picked up voices up ahead, panicked and worried. He tried to move faster, to reach the voices that called out his name. He reached forwards, but tripped over a pulled-up root, making him crash down into the ground with a soft thud. He tried to push himself up, but his new weight said otherwise. His arms bulked from under him, his legs protesting against any movement as his chest ached with pain that flooded throughout his bones. He tried again and again, but his body wouldn't listen to him. His eyes grew heavy, his muscles flaring in pain, veins bursting.

He tried to keep his eyes open, he tried to stay awake, no matter how much his body protested again him. He wanted to move, to see the faces of his friends who called out his name. His friends who were only meters away from where he collapsed. His friends who'd helped him, even though thy had only just met. His friends, the first people he'd ever seen in those long 30 years he was stuck in this forest. The friends that didn't leave him to suffer alone in self pity and sorrow. But his eyes finally closed. They gave in, shutting as his body followed suit. He couldn't feel the ground beneath him. He couldn't hear the forest sounds that greeted him when he awoke. He couldn't see anything but darkness. He was trapped in nothingness once more.

All he could feel was his beating heart...

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