Revive Plan

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^Third Person^

"W-what do you mean 'there's no life whatsoever'?" Denki asked.

"Exactly what I mean. There isn't any signs of life." Ejirou replied.

"W-w-what? T-that mustn't be good. Is there any way to revive me? Or..." Izuku trailed off, not wanting to finish his sentence.

Ejirou looked at the others before turning back and saying, "I'm sorry, but, if there isn't any life, then it's almost impossible to revive you."

Izuku collapsed to his knees, facing the ground in shock.

"T-this can't be happening... no way... it can't..." he murmured, clutching his arms as he began to shake.

"Izuku. Calm down." Aizawa said, slight panic in his voice as he kneeled down beside the spirit.

"L-look! We'll find a way to revive you. Kirishima said that it's almost impossible. That means there's still a chance." Denki said.

"B-but... its c-close to i-i-impossible... i-it could go w-wrong..." Izuku muttered, trying keep calm.

"Keep calm Izuku. I promised you I'd find a way and I'm keeping that. Kirishima, Kaminari. You two know a lot about spirits. Find a way to preserve both the body and spirit and find a way that they can connect. Bakugou. I need you to keep Izuku calm." Aizawa said.

"What about you, Sensei?" Denki asked.

Just then, a red flare went off in the background.

"I'm needed elsewhere. I'll trust you four to keep this situation under control." Aizawa replied before turning on his heel and heading off towards the flare.

"A-Alright..." Ejirou murmured, turning to Denki who shrugged.

They headed over to Izuku's body and started to think of ways to preserve it. Katsuki kneeled down next to Izuku and started to pet his hair. Izuku grabbed onto him, hugging him tight as he silently cried.

"Calm down. We'll help put you back in your body." Katsuki muttered.

Izuku looked up at him, a shimmer of hope in his eyes. Katsuki wiped away his tears with his thumb. He scratched behind Izuku's ear as he pulled him close, resting his head on his chest.

"Oi! Sh*tty Hair, DunceFace. Come up with anything?" Katsuki asked.

"We're working on it." Ejirou replied.

"We've come up with a few ways, but, they are quiet dangerous. I mean, one of them involves jumping off a cliff edge with the body or whatnot." Denki said.

"The actual f*ck? How the hell would that work?" Katsuki commented.

"Look. We're just coming up with different ways. We're trying to narrow it down to the safest one. Also the one that has the highest chance of working." Ejirou said.

"Just hurry the f*ck up. He's having a f*cking melt down here." Katsuki retorted.

"Yeah yeah. We're trying." Denki replied.

Katsuki looked back down at Izuku who was trembling in his arms. He heaved out a sigh as he continued to stroke the spirit's hair. Izuku suddenly froze. He stayed like that for a few moments before disappearing, leaving a startled Katsuki.

"Uhh..." he started, turning to the other two. "He's gone."

"WHAT?!" They yelled.

"He just f*cking disappeared." Katsuki replied, standing up.

"You have got to be kidding me. Where could he have gone?" Ejirou said.

"He has to be somewhere in the area. Let's go!" Denki ran off into the woods with the others not far behind.

They split up as they ran around the forest, calling out Izuku's name and checking everywhere. The spirit was no where to be seen. They kept searching and searching, eventually coming back together. They were about to split up again when they heard sobbing coming from high in the trees. They looked up, seeing the greenette sitting up high on a tree branch, bawling his eyes out. The bird and squirrels surrounded him as they tried to calm the spirit, but, to no avail.

"Oi Deku! Come down here!" Katsuki called.

The spirit looked down at them, trying to wipe away his tears. He jumped down, floating to the ground. As soon as he landed, he ran straight up to Ejirou and hugged him, burying his face in his chest.

"Izuku..." Ejirou murmured, striking the greenette hair.

"Oh! I got it!" Denki suddenly said out of the blue, gaining their attention. "I know a way to revive you! Though, it's not a 100% guaranteed to work. Right now it's a 50 50. But, we can increase that chance!"

"W-what is i-it?" Izuku stuttered in between sobs.

"If we can remove the barrier that keeps you from your body, then we should be able to put you back in. But, we can't remove it as we can't touch it. You have to remove it yourself." Denki explained.

"B-but you saw what happened. I-I can't get close. I don't think it's possible to remove it." Izuku replied.

"That's why we're f*cking helping. All of us." Katsuki said.

"D-do you really think this'll work?" Izuku asked.

"We can't be certain, that's for sure. But, we can increase the chances of this working!" Denki replied with a large smile.

"R-really?" They all nodded. "T-thank you all so much."

Izuku brought them into a group hug. They hugged back before letting go and heading back to camp. As they did, they found Shouto sitting at the fire, cooking some fish. He turned to them with a wave before turning back.

"When did he get up?" Denki murmured, sitting opposite side from him.

"Who knows. Let's just tell him the plan." Ejirou said.

They explained what they were gonna do and discussed ways that Izuku would be able to break the barrier keeping him away. And after an hour or so, they finally came up with a few ways that could just work.

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