Pretty Cure Rainbow Lights

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Now this story, I planned it right before my keyboard started messing up. Now I am using my mom's computer. I was really excited about this story when I was planning it, but I told myself, no, you can't start it yet because you already have enough stories, so I waited, but ended up creating it anyway. I had to look up the colors because I couldn't remember what the order was and I wanted to see some information. I based some of their personalities off their color. This book actually reached the farthest but I lost motivation after having no clue how to start I think the 8th or 9th chapter

Estimated chapters: about maybe 40, idk

Plot ~ After being treated horribly by her family, Queen Crisentha resorted to darkness. She created the colorless dimension. Due to her anger, she sent her minions to attack The Land of Colors, causing a huge amount of destruction. The 7 keys of the rainbow were stolen and broke into 35 five keys. Each set of 5 groups containing 7 keys, each representing the colors of the rainbow and has used it for destruction. The queen of the land of colors sent 5 of her most trusted mascots to search for pretty cure and help them get the 35 rainbow keys in order to protect everyone and thing. 14 year old Furukawa Kimiko and her best friend Fuchizaki Tora were chosen as pretty cure warriors, along with 3 other girls. Pretty Cure must fight to collect each set of keys and bring them back to Land of Colors before Queen Crisentha gets more power.

(Based it off of my memory)

Here we go!


Furukawa Kimiko

Age: 14

Birthday: January 30th, 2004

Appearance: Straight, medium length red hair and blue eyes

Alter ego: Cure Rose

Nickname(s): Kimi, Miko

Kimiko is a very energetic girl. She is strong, and hates being seen as weak. She can be a little aggressive at times and has trouble controlling her anger. She is confident, athletic, and determined

Cure Rose

Chant: The color of energy, passion, and action, Cure Rose!

Colors: Red (main) pink (sub)

Hair: Red

Eyes: pink

Power: Fire

Mascot: Ella

Purification spell: Fire Passion

Transformation item: a gold ring with a red stone


Fuchizaki Tora

Age: 14

Birthday: March 25th, 2004

Appearance: She has long blonde hair and honey brown eyes

Alter ego: Cure Dandelion

Nickname(s): none

Tora is a very cheerful girl. She loves making people happy and is also very talkative. She can be a little judgmental, and impatient at times though. She is very flexible (body, not time) as well.

Cure Dandelion

Chant: The color of the mind and the intellect, Cure Dandelion!

Colors: Yellow (main) orange (sub)

Hair: yellow

Eye: yellow

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