Pretty Cure! Infinite Light

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Now, this story is basically named eternal lights just in a different way. The only different is, their powers revolve around natural light sources. Sun, moon, fire, stars, and electricity/lighting. This one is really, really, really recent. I still have the story on this profile. I used pictures for the characters, and even created their transformations on this website called Doll Divine, I think. I still plan on writing it, but it might take a while

Estimated chapters: Idk, I didn't fully plan it out. 

I actually thought further about this story. I involved their future forms and started thinking about what the chapters were going to be about, but I didn't fully, fully think about if that makes sense. It makes sense in my head. This one might be a little long

Plot ~ Litensia is in grave danger. It is up to Pretty Cure to collected the light diamonds to restore the Queen and bring back light in Litensia

It is not really fully thought out yet, sorry most of these have no plots. These stories I just create without really thinking about it. Probably why I lose motivation and run out of ideas so quickly. That's why I started thinking out the chapters

Here we go!


Yukimura Chiaki

(I do not own the pictures unless I say otherwise)

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(I do not own the pictures unless I say otherwise)

Chiaki is a 14 year old optimistic and energetic girl. She loves going get on hikes and has an obsession with strawberries. Chiaki looks towards the positive side of a lot of things. Chiaki is the cure of the sun, Cure Solar 

(I own all the doll divine pics)

Cure Solar

Cure Solar(I own this pic)

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Cure Solar
(I own this pic)

Chant: "The ruler of the sky, Cure Solar!"

Power: Her powers revolves around the sun

Item: The sun LuxPhone (I stole this from Eternal Lights. I had a feeling I wouldn't continue Eternal Lights so I just used it because it makes perfect sense. Lux, light, and this story involves actual light sources!)

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