Chapter Five: Getting To Know You, Getting To Know All About You

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Eyy guys :3 Vas Happenin'? Yes, I know what you are thinking, two chapters in one day? Why, yes, yes two chapters today. Challenge accepted. Oh and the youtube link over there>>> is Louis' cover of Te Fray's Look After You. Well ANYWAYS, to le story!!


Laura's POV:

Last night was great. Much better than the Meet-And-Great that we did before. I mean, that was was a chance in a lifetime. A great one chance. But, now that NIALL FREAKING JAMES FREAKING HORAN lived next door, I nearly fainted. I love the boys to bits and pieces, but Niall will always have a special place in my heart. Favorite, you could say.

I woke up to the sound of a knock on the door. I looked over to the bed next to me and saw Sienna still snoring. Heavy sleep. I got up, noticing that I was in my short shorts pajamas with a One Direction sleeping top. Running to the door, I fixed my hair a bit, making it in a simple fishtail braid and finally opened the door.

"Laura! How are you. I brought these for you, for a welcoming gift," Niall said, flashing a smile and handing my a bouquet of  flowers. I blushed, smiling back. 

"Thanks Niall. It's so crazy to say that you are my flat neighbor. I thought you would be home-schooled, being in the biggest boy band," I replied, opening the door more so he could come in.

"But it's great to say. I'm glad you aren't  one of those crazed fans that would probably spill it on Twitter or whatever you use," he chuckled, sitting on the leather couch that was in the middle of the room, in front of the TV. 

"'Course not. We're both from Mullingar," I replied, sitting next to him, but end up sliding down into him. I tried to slide to the next cushion, but sliding back down into him. "Sorry," I mumbled, trying to get up, but ending up yanked to him again.

"That's okay. We both know you want to sit next me," he said chuckling. I rolled my eyes. 

"Well, good morning lovey dovey birds." Sienna said, walking into out of our bedroom. I got up and sat the the other side of the couch. 

"We aren't 'Lovey Dovey birds'," I said, annoyed. Sienna chuckled and looked to Niall. 

"You two should play QuickFire!" she cooed. "And it's complete if Louis and the rest of the boys come!"

Niall thought about it. "That's brilliant! Or should I say, brilLIAM!" he chuckled at is own joke. I looked at him sternly and kicked his pickle with my foot. "Oo! My balls!" he said, holding them and falling backwards. I giggled.

Sienna gasped. "ADVENTUROUS ADVENTURES OF ONE DIRECTION REFERENCE! I LOVE YOOUUUU!" she screamed, running to me and hugging me tight.

I coughed,"Can't. Breathe. Choking," I finally slipped out of her grasp, only to fall onto Niall's bum. He smirked.

"You're lucky I didn't just fart right then," he chuckled. I rolled my eyes, holding onto his leg. "The funny thing is that, we just met and I feel like I've known you for ages," he said, brushing my hair with his hand.

My heart swelled, but I sat up, nervous that he would cut the cheese. "So, when are we going to play QuickFire?" I asked, looking at Niall who looked embarrassed. 

"Just didn't want you to fart on me," I laughed. "But yeah, when ARE we gonna QuickFire?" 

Sienna smiled, "Right now," she ran to her room and grabbed her iPhone and unlocked it, typed a few words and smirked. "They are coming now, I have wigs so we are all set! Time to live the experience!" she said excitedly. I rolled her eyes. But yes, we have all their numbers. How awesome is that? So awesome that people would probably kill.


How'd you think of it? Let us now by telling us in the comments, vote, whatever. WOO. Enjoy more sexy singing, except by Louis. :) <3


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