The Fight

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After her classes Arohi was in library updating all the records in system when she heard a familiar voice. She looked up to find Dhondhu standing there.

"Hey Dhondhs"

"What are you doing here, Arohi?" He asked frowning.

She shrugged "work". She said in a 'duh' tone.

He gave her a look "that I can see but I am asking why?"

"What why? What type of question is that?" She continued doing her work.

He took a seat in front of her "Listen, Arohi. Is there some problem between you and Arjun? You can tell me. Why are you working in library after classes?"

"Dhondhu""Stop" she looked at him sternly "You are making big deal out of nothing. I am just working in a library. Not putting myself under strenuous work that you are so over reacting"

"You are Arjun Singhania's wife and working in a library. Doesn't add up."

"God. Stop" she felt like pulling her hair "Yes, I am Arjun Singhania's wife so what? I can work wherever I want"

"Arjun can buy this place 10 times the worth. Why do you even need to earn money?" There was dry humour in his voice that made her agitated.

Arohi stood up putting the done files in table "Wow. You are projecting me as some gold digger. Thank you!"

She walked off but he held her hand "Aru, I didn't mean it like that. I was just talking about yours and Arjun's relationship. Making sure everything is.." but she didn't let him complete n jerked his hand away.

"Mine and Arjun's relationship is not up for any discussion, Danish"

Picking her bag she walked out from there as her shift was over.

She was ready to submit herself to bed when she reached home. Firstly all the college assignments were already making her crazy and then Dhondhu's unnecessary remarks made her blood boil. She didn't expect anything of such sort from him.

"Hey" Arjun said coming out of study room.

"Hey" she replied halting in her steps

He took few steps closer to her "So how was college?"

"As usual" she shrugged "Hectic and boring"

He nodded and asked "would you like some water?"

"Yes, please"

Arjun walked towards dining table and Arohi followed him "you are back home early today"

"Ya!" He poured water in glass "boys are busy tonight"

Arohi sat on chair and took the glass of water from his hand.

"Where is Dolly ji?"

"She took an early leave today" he informed.

Arohi nodded and watched as he took seat beside her.

"I checked your account today and I got to know that you haven't withdrawn money from there" Arjun spoke.

Raising her brows she stared at him "one sec! Why would you check my account? Oh, I get it. You still think I am a parasite sucking on your money" she angrily stood up.

"Wait —"

Her eyes red with anger and hurt "when you apologized, I really thought we can move on and  become good friends" "but that apology meant nothing."

She saw his eyes turning blazing hot. Holding her shoulder he brought her close "You just want me to apologise to you every now and then. I have already moved on but it's you who keeps bringing past up at every chance you get" He jerked her away "You get self satisfaction by proving 'Arjun Singhania' wrong"

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