Lets Cuddle

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This imagine is about Michael for my buddie Tapanga, I love you gorgeous C:

Tapanga's POV

Today Michael and I are going to have a lazy day. We're going to stay home and do nothing but watch movies and cuddle. My favorite thing to do with him. "Hey Tapanga, we're out of popcorn. Want me to go get some?" he asked me. "Sure babe, do you want me to go with you?" I asked him back. "You can come if you want, you don't have to" he said smiling at me. "I'll go with you" I said back smiling. He nodded in response.

We left and headed to Wal-Mart to get a little box of popcorn. When we did we checked out and headed home. "What movie do you want to watch?" he asked starting to drive back to the house. "Ummm, The Nightmare Before Christmas " I said back. "Okay gorgeous" he said turning real quick to smile at me. I smiled back and grabbed his free hand to hold.

We just made it back home and he went to the kitchen to pop the popcorn. While he did that I went in the livingroom and put the movie in. "Hey babe ready?" he asked coming into the livingroom with the bowl of popcorn. "Yep and thank you" I said kissing him real quickly but he's so sneaky he grabbed the bottom of my back to hold me there. After what felt like a hour of kissing I pulled back. "Sneaky behind" I said smirking and grabbing the bowl of popcorn. He laughed and said, "You know it".

We sat on the couch and started the movie. Its my absolute favorite movie to watch. Half way through the movie I started to get a little tired and yawned. Michael noticed cause he scooted closer to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder so I could cuddle up to him. He knows how I love cuddling with him so that's probably why he did that. I really love this man right here. He means the world to me, he's always there for me no matter what it is. I'm glad he's here with me. He makes me feel wanted, loved and beautiful. I'm a little cautious about myself but he tells me every minute of the hour everyday that I'm gorgeous.

I started to watch the movie a little more but towards the end I started to doze off. I think he noticed cause he picked me up and lied us on the couch cuddling. "I love you Tapanga" he said looking down at me. "I love you too Michael" I said smiling up at him. He leaned in and kissed me, it was different. A good kind of different, like I could feel the love in the kiss if that makes any sense. When he pulled back he kissed my forehead and said he loved me one last time before I fell asleep cuddling with the live if my life.

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