Magcon Besties

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To an awesome person! Mrsdallas1234

Caitlyn's POV

Wow, today's the day! 8M finally gonna get to meet him. I can't wait! Oh hi, I'm Caitlyn and today I'm going to my first ever Magcon, and I'm actually gonna be in it! I can't wait! I think it'll be loads of fun, especially once I get to meet him. "Him" as in the Cameron Dallas. Yes the Cameron Dallas and I can't wait! But I'm kinda scared I'll possibly fan girl when I meet. Hopefully I'll be able to control it though. He's just sooo gorgeous, those brown eyes, and brown hair that forms the perfect quiff. Just the thought of him makes me happy and wanna scream his name. {And to all of the nasties that thought wrong about that last part, "You're a bunch of Nasties!"}

"Come on Caitlyn, you'll be late for your flight!" my mother had screamed. I grabbed my iPhone, luggage and ran downstairs to see my mom waiting in the doorway for me. "I'm coming, I'm coming!" I screamed barreling down the steps into out silver Honda going to the airport.


We had just made it to the airport and it is amaze balls! I've never been to an airport so its all new to me. It might help if I told where I live, I live in Omaha, Nebraska, yes the same state and city as Jack and Jack. We never actually knew each other since we went to different schools, but I'm as close as I could get at the time to any Magcon Boy. But now I get to meet them all, in person!

The plane ride was pretty boring except for the site of the clouds and I got to talk with Jack and Jack. "Hey come on, we better hurry before we get trampled" Jack Gilinsky said as the pilot said we could exit the plane. And Jack was right, as soon as we got off of the plane there were a lot of fans. We an as fast as we could to the luggage claim retrieving our luggage and running out of the front entrance seeing a limousine. I wasn't sure what was happening until people started getting out of the vehicle revealing Matthew Espinosa, Carter Reynolds, Aaron Carpenter, Hayes Grier, Nash Grier, Mahogany Lox, Jacob Whitesides, Shawn Mendes, Taylor Caniff, and him. Cameron Dallas. Wow, I thought he couldn't get any hotter, but I thought wrong. We gathered our belongings into the truck and stepped into the limousine.


The limousine ride was really fun, we were laughing, talking, taking Vines and selfies. And the really fun thing was I got to sit beside Cameron on the way to the hotel. Bart had told me I was rooming with Mahogany which didn't bother me because I love her, she's amaze balls!


"Well come on Caitlyn and I'll show you our room" Mahogany had said grabbing onto my hand pulling me along with her to our room. "Okay Mahogany, what floor is it? And are we walking or taking the elevator?" I asked. "The third and I'm wearing heels so the elevator" she declared as we stepped into it, pushing the button and heading to our room.

"Man, I'm tired Mahogany. I think I'm gonna lie down and fall asleep" I exclaimed yawning as we settled into our room throwing our luggage on each of our sides of the room. "Okay girl! You go to sleep, and so will I, it's pretty late anyways" she said throwing her heels onto the floor beside her, grabbing some clothing from her luggage, which I guess was were her pajamas and went into the bathroom. I didn't even pay attention to the time so I turned over glancing at the clock seeing it was 10:43 o'clock. Wow, I didn't know it had became that late, but then again it was in fact dark once we had gotte off of the plane.


The next morning once I had woken up I saw I was still in my clothes from yesterday, dark wash skinny jeans, a tie-dye crop top saying "Paradise" in black cursive lettering. I got up walking to my luggage and pulling out a pair of black skinny jeans, red Magcon hoodie and black Magcon beanie heading to the bathroom.

I had changed and saw Mahogany still asleep, but its 8:24 o'clock so it's still a little early. I heard my stomach rumbling, so I grabbed an extra room key latched onto a hook on the door and walked down ton the breakfast buffet.

When I had made my way down there I didn't see a line, so I knew that I shouldn't have anyone to deal with. I grabbed a plate with a few pancakes and some bacon heading to a table to eat.

The pancakes are still warm and pluffy, just the way I likes them. I started pouring some syrup on them when I heard a familiar voice distracting me, "Uh, hi. I'm Cameron, can I sit with you?" he said. I couldn't believe it, Cameron Dallas was actually talking to me! I answered him trying to sound cool but that didnt work out s well. "Uh, y-yeah. Of course you can". "Haha, thanks and your syrup is over flowing" he said. How is it that his voice is so- Wait did he say my syrup was over flowing?! And it was, right onto the darn table! Darn it, that's what ibget for talking to gorgeous people like Cameron. I set the syrup on the table and reached into the middle trying to grab a few napkins but grabbed a few fingers. "Oh, uh sorry" I muttered releasing his fingers and grabbing some napkins this time. "Its okay gorgeous" he said looking at me with his million dollar smile. I nodded my head cleaning up the syrup trying not to look at Jim knowing that my cheeks were bright red.

×Sorry, but skipping Magcon×

My first Magcon was a blast! It was sooo much fun! We were dancing and singing, but mainly to Mahogany's DJ skills. Oh and actually getting to hear Jacob, Shawn, Aaron, and Jack and Javknsing in person felt like a dream. Their voices were gorgeous. And then dancing was really fun, I even had a chance to dance with Cam, but not a slow song though. It was an upbeat song and Cam had asked me to, some fans even came up with a ship name, Caiylm. {Haha, sounds like Calum Worthy's name nor however you spell his last name.}

"I had a lot of fun, you're DJ skills were hella good!" I whisper yelled to Mahogany. "Haha, thanks girl. And you know I think Can may have a little thing for ya" she said. "Re-Really?!" I screamed not meaning to. The guys all looked at us and laughed. "Why are you screaming Caitlyn?" Nash asked laughing. "Uh, nothing" I reassured. He nodded his head with a smirk on his face.


"Well the guys want us to hang out with them layer, how does that sound?" Mahogany asked me as we sat on our beds. Its been about two hours since my first Magcon and I guess the guys were bored. "Yeah sure" I said enthusiastically. "Oh and Cam wants you tonjang out with him" she added in. "Oh ummm, okay?" I said a little confused. She nodded her head slipping onto a pair of combat boots and heading to the door.

Once we had made it over there I had seen that they must've been bored because their room looks like a tornado flew through. "Hi guys" Mahogany said walking into their suite. "Hey girls, and your boyfriend is in the bedroom Caitlyn" Nash had said. I knew I was blushing because I could feel my checks burning.  I walked into the bedroom seeing Cameron sitting the bed wearing a Cameron Dallas T-shirt and black skinny jeans.

"Hiya gorgeous" he said as I sat on the bed beside him. "Hi C-Cam" I said. "You do know," he said putting his arm around my shoulder, "That you don't have to be so nervous around me". "Y-Yeah, of course" I answered back nuzzling up to his side looking up at him. "Okay, then act yourself instead of that nervous, shy band stuttering girl, even though both are cute" he said. I smiled up at him no giving how gorgeous he really was, his big gorgeous brown eyes, pink lucious lips, chiseled jaw and his perfect brown hair. "Okay Cameron" I said. "Call me Cam, let's watch a movie. The Hunger Games?" he asked me. I nodded my head immediately knowing that is my favorite movie and book series. "Alright" he said slidding his arm down to my side and pulling me closer to him.

"You know, snuggling is my favorite thing to do right?" he asked which sounded more like a statement. "Uh yeah, sure" I said laughing. "Don't laugh, I love to snuggle up to my women, especially with you being a lot better" he said kissing my forehead. "Oh okay, and thanks" I said smiling at him. "No problem, now lets watch the movie and have fun, bestie" he said laughing. "Okay, bestie" I said laughing along with him.

~Okay then, an actual update in freaking forever! I hope y'all enjoyed it! Vote, follow and comment! Okie dokie, I think you get it... I hope. Okay, byeee~

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