Update in this Bitch!

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   Okay then, as you can tell this is an update! I'm sorry its not an imagine, #sorrynotsorry. Tehehe, I'm special. Just joking, maybe... I'm playing around though, okay sooo I just got an actually request from someone! Whoop whoop! I'm working on it now and I should upload it tommorow afternoon! How about that my little Brownies! Oh and I've missed you all sooo much its sad! I should start updating a lot sooner when I finish moving and all that junk. Especially during my birthday week because I'll be celebrating Fall Break! That starts October 6, and mah birthday is the 11! Whoop whoop! I'll finally be fourteen! And don't forget to check out my other books!Okay my little Brownies, I think y'all get it...I hope. Okay byeee!

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