Chapter 3

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A/N sorry guys I haven't posted in a while but my phone hasn't been working

I will be updating every Sunday even though today's Monday I can't let you go on without another chapter for a week

~ At School ~

~ Abigail's POV ~

I got out the car and said bye to Calum. I walked up to the school, I opened to door just to get pushed out again.

"There she is we thought you weren't coming!" A guy with blue eyes said to me

"Aww does little Abi want to cry" another one added he looked like Justin Bieber

I soon realised it was Nash, Carter, Matt, Cam, Aaron, Taylor, Jack G and Jack J but there 7 guys missing Jc, Ricky, Connor, Kian, Sam, Trevor and Nash's brother Hayes but him and trevor never beat me up.

I got pushed to the ground by Aaron, I felt a grip on both my arms I look at each side to notice that Jack G and Jack J were holding me up while each of the boys threw a punch.

I felt the grip from my arm get weaker and weaker. I soon feel to the ground. I heard screaming and a punch getting thrown it sounded a lot like Calum, I finally get the strength to turn my head.

"How long has this been going on for Abi tell me" Calum demanded a

"Since the start of high school 4 years ago" I managed to get out but then burst into tears while Calum was helping me off the ground.

~ Calum's POV ~ (when Abi just got out the car to go to school)

I look at the seat to see Abi has forgotten one of her books, I head back to the school to see a about 9 guys standing next to the door where Abi went in. I got half way to to door to see a girl I recognised. It was Abigail. I ran up to them and told them to leave her alone. They all turned round and I threw a punch to a random one. They all ran and went into the school.

I looked down at Abigail.

"How long has this been going on" I demanded

"Since the start of high school 4 years ago" she said before bursting into tears. I got up and helped her into the car. She defiantly wasn't going to school today

~ skip car ride home ~

We pulled up into the drive way. We both got out the car and Abi just to go up to her room and get changed and go to her bed if she wanted.

We walked in to the living room. Abi walked up to her room and I went over to the coach where the boys were.

"You are finally back Cal" they all said in unison looking up from there phones.

"Yea but Abi is back home I saw her get beat up" I said


"It's been going on for 4 years Ash, she's Scared" Calum said calmly.

"4 years how haven't I noticed it I don't care what you guys say she is taking online school and taking her on tour with us I think that's the best option for her" Ashton asks the boys hoping they will agree.

"Yea that's okay as long as she's okay with that Ash" me and the other boys said in unison.

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