Chapter 10

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~ At Nandos ~

~ Abi's POV ~

When we all got to Nando's I was sitting next to Ashton and across from Micheal with Calum Across from Luke who was beside Michael. It was one of the most funniest nights I have ever had, I couldn't stop laughing. After our dinner, I was sad that tonight was over because I had a good time.

I was sitting daydreaming about how I will have to take online schooling, the bit I couldn't get out my head was I would actually be touring with my brother and his band mates.

I was taking out of my dream my the boys yelling my name

"What do you want?" I complained

"Well it's time to go home, we need to get sleep since we are up early tomorrow for our flight." Luke told me while walking to the door and everyone following him.

"Okay then, let go." I yelled and ran to the car.

~ At Home ~

When I got through the door, I ran upstairs and put on my pyjamas. When I came back into the living room all the boys were on the couch watching T.V

Do you guys want to watch movies because I'm not tired" I yelled and I think I gave them a fright cause they jumped, I couldn't stop laughing.

"Why did you yell you scared me" Calum said in a banish tone of voice.

"Yes why did you" came from the rest of the boys.

I didn't say anything, I picked a movie and sat Down on the chair that was beside the couch the guys were sitting on and never made eye contact with them.

"I felt like it" was all I said.

I thought about playing a prank on them. The only thing was I could do it alone, I needed one of the boys on my side and I knew exactly who. Michael.

I decided to text Michael and see if he wanted to help me play a prank on the guys.

(A = Abi M = Michael)

A - heyyy Mickeyyy, do you want to help me prank the guys? x

M - Sure what were you planning or have you thought of anything cause if you haven't I have an idea. x

A - okay we will go for your idea, what is it? x

M - we wait for them to fall asleep and draw on there faces? x

A - okay sounds like a plan. x


I look up from my phone and have a smirk on my face.

"What are you smirking about" Luke asked.

Awww nothing just waiting for you guys to sleep, so me and Michael can draw on your faces.

"Aww nothing just think how I can't wait to get way from my bullies" I said looking up at him and he nodded. I am going to feel horrible after this prank.

~ Michael's POV ~

To be honest I couldn't wait to do this prank. We shouldn't use sharpies cause we have a flight so they need to wash it off before we go. I don't want to look like a fool walking around with people with moustaches that are drawn with pen on there face.

It was 12 and me and Abi were still up. All the boys had gone to sleep luckily they fell asleep on the couch. Abi got the pens they were the washable ones, so it would mark there skin for when we go for the flight in a couple of hours.

We had half each Abi had to draw on Ashton's face, and Half of Calum's. I had to draw on Luke's face and the other half of Calum's. This was going to be fun.

I had started drawing a dick on Luke's forehead, then on both of his cheeks he had a butterfly, with a moustache. When it got to Calum's I drew a flower with a dick on his forehead, with a moustache as well I noticed that Abi drew a mono brow with the works fuck me on his fore head, a dick on his cheek and a thumbs up on his other cheek.
On the other side of Calum's cheek she wrote the words fuck you she drew a beard to go with the moustache and also it a mono brow.

I could wait for the guys to wake up.

~ Abi's POV ~

I can't wait for the boys to wake up and see what's on there face

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