Nightmare [Prinxiety]

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Trigger warning: description of blood and heavy injuries; death; nightmare

Pairing: romantic Prinxiety

Category: Hurt/comfort


He woke up to a cold and dark place. It was odd. The darkness seemed endless and he couldn't see anything around him. He got up from where he laid on the ground and blindly walked to who-knows-where. His footsteps echoed as his soles touch the hard, stone floor. 'Where am I?' He asked himself. 'Weird,' he thought. Usually, he would've been scared or at the very least freaked out by the dark. Seriously, there could be anything dangerous lurking in the dark and you wouldn't know when it makes a move to attack you. How is that not freaky? Right now, though, he was oddly calm.

Virgil continued to walk aimlessly further into the dark without a destination. He needed to get out of the dark. Another odd thing was that usually he liked dark places, but this time it was different. The darkness was suffocating as no light was visible in this strange place. 'Is this a cave?' He said to himself again as he tried to understand his surroundings. Then, he heard it. It was faint at first. Quiet and hushed—and somewhat weak.

"Virgil... Virgil, please... anyone?" The voice called. It sounded vaguely familiar, but Virgil couldn't place his finger on it. Though, he was sure he knew that voice.

He continued to walk, looking for the source of the disembodied voice. As he walked and walked, the darkness in the "cave" started to fade and slowly, it started to become brighter. His steps no longer echoed as he found himself walking on soft grassy landing instead of the hard stone floor earlier. The voice called again.

"Please! Virgil, help me...!" It sounded more urgent this time. More desperate and pained. He quickened his pace and found himself in the middle of a forest. The trees were green and thick. Lucious, looming over him. The evening sun was filtered through the thousands of branches and leaves, making only a few strands of light to be able to reach the ground. Strangely enough, although there wasn't too much light, it wasn't too dark. At least, not as dark as the cave.

Walking further into the forest, he noticed the little bugs residing on the tree bark, the butterflies resting on petals of small flowers on the forest floor and even some small animals up in the trees. The voice called out again, weaker than before, but still with urgency that made Virgil panic a little. If not for the voice, he would have enjoyed the place a lot more.

Walking closer to the source of the voice, he could hear groans and moans of pain. Taking a sharp turn, he found something that made fear and anxiety shot through him. It was Roman, laying unmoving in a pool of his own blood. His once pristine white suit was now stained red at the legs and chest. There were big slashes down one of his thigh and across the other knee, as well as both calves. There were two, large and deep, parallel gashes on his chest and several other cuts along his waist and stomach. It was a horrific sight.

Virgil bolted through the thick veil of branches and trees, kneeling next to the dying prince. "Roman! Oh God, Roman, what happened?" He carefully placed both his hands on the wounds on Roman's chest and applied pressure to stop the bleeding, but his effort was fruitless. The prince's eyes were starting to flicker shut and his breathing was getting more irregular.

"No! Roman, Princey, please..." Virgil begged. His voice was drenched with desperation and despair. How did he not know Roman was in danger? "Please, Roman. Don't leave me." A small sobbed broke its was out of his throat, but he barely acknowledged it. He needed to try harder to save Roman.

"Virgil...? Ah... it hurts..." Roman croaked out. His breathing was getting slower and his head started to droop to the side. "Where were you, love? I thought I could count on you to be here with me..." He said again weakly.

"Roman... I'm so sorry..." Virgil let out a series of sobs. This was all his fault. He should've been there when Roman was in danger. "Ro—Roman..." Another sob cut through his word, "stay! Don't leave me, please." He begged again. His hands were now covered in Roman's blood. Thick and red, bright against the sunlight. So much blood.

"Virge... It's cold..."

"No... Roman, please... don't die on me!" He cried and cried, louder, sobbing uncontrollably. He couldn't lose Roman. Not like this. "Princey, don't go..." He howled.

Then, with a smile, the prince said, "I love you. Please, remember—" He coughed up blood, painting his lips red. "—I love you... so much..." And still with a smile, his eyelids fell shut and his breathing stopped. The prince was no longer.

"No! No, no, no, no, no! Please... come back!" Virgil cried next to the body of his love. He never got the chance to tell Roman how much he felt for him.


Virgil jolted awake and bolted right up on the bed. His heart was beating quickly and cold sweat drenched his body. He noticed that he was still in Roman's room after their Disney marathon earlier that evening. Looking to his side, he couldn't find Roman who was supposed to be lying asleep. 'What if it was all real? What if he did die and I couldn't save him? This is all my fault.' Virgil cried again. His entire body shook with the effort to hold it together. He placed his head in his hands, pulling at his hair forcefully. How could he have let that happen? His sobs were loud in the quiet room.

Still sitting hunched on the bed, wrapped in Roman's thick blanket, he felt a warm weight at his side. Glancing over, he saw Roman with arms around him. Virgil sobbed louder in relief and melted into the touch.

Roman pulled Virgil closer, wrapping him in a secure embrace. "Shhh..." he hushed, trying to get Virgil to calm down. "Hey, what's wrong, love?" he said lowly. He ran his fingers through Virgil's hair the way he knew Virgil liked.

"I—I just—" Virgil hiccuped through his sobs, "t'was a nightmare..." He buried his face in Roman's chest, still crying softly. He inhaled Roman's familiar scent and brought his arms up to hug Roman's neck, pulling himself closer to Roman. "You—you died and I—I couldn't save you..."

"It's okay, Virge. I'm here, I'm save. I'm here with you." Roman said reassuringly and placed a gentle kiss on the other's forehead. He held Virgil a little bit tighter and pulled him closer. He laid Virgil back on the bed and cuddled him close, sharing his warmth.



"I—" another hiccup interrupted his words, "I love you... so much."

"I love you, too... so much."

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