welcome to the sideshow, featuring the sidehoe

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november 10th, 2018

have you ever been to a circus?
well, have I got a treat for you!
we've got lions, tigers and bears, I know, oh my
but just this week, as part of our new opening act
you can see the fragile girl trip over her own tongue and serve her still-beating heart on a gold plated platter.

not enough for you? she can do it on a tightrope, high-line through a ring of fire,
see she's used to putting herself in danger of falling for the sake of feeling the heat for even a brief second.
and you know what we can do to really raise the stakes? to up the ante, adrenaline spike
just today, just tonight,
we'll take away the net meant to catch her if she falls, stripping her of any sense of security she has left.

help me cheer her on! pay attention to the shimmer and shine of her leotard,
the glimmer in her eyes that's still there if you look hard enough,
instead of her shaking legs and clanking knees, faltering steps and chattering teeth.

wait, you don't like it - what do you mean?
you paid to see this, you can't just get up and leave.
if you want, she can change up the whole act - we can put her on a trapeze!
if it'll make you stay, we'll set up a swing right above your heads,
look at her gritted teeth shaped into a sort of smile, chalk-stained hands, and- and

what about a clown? would that work instead?
she can paint her face, how do you want her to look? she can be whatever you're looking for!
we can give her a red squeaky nose, cram her big shoes and big feelings into a car that's way too small and before she notices, we'll shut the door.
doesn't the flower on her jacket make her seem beautiful from afar? it brightens up her lapel, but get too close and she gets scared, it might splash water on you - don't worry, it's just a light mist - and no, of course those aren't her tears, I'm sure of it, I promise.

have you ever been to a circus?
do you know how this is supposed to work?
she's here to entertain you, she swallows her dignity ten minutes to curtain, crosses her fingers and somersaults across the stage.
she makes a living by making a fool out of herself, and you're... supposed to like it.

so, sit back down.
on your way to your seat, pick up some popcorn from the concession stand -
grab some cotton candy, even, and let's give her a hand.
we need an audience, she needs you to stay (please stay), she'll keep this carnival going from dawn to dusk and dusk to dawn.
because you know what they say, "the show must go on".

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