siren song

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you and your sunshine smile, suntan grin, speckled face, freckled skin

nearly goddess, gracious nymph, oil painted beauty, portrait of a lady practically bare, epitome of goodness but still surrounded by sin

salt in your hair, spilt saline tongue, stagnant air that has me standing

stuck in one place

sweltering and sticky and mind starting to spin

enamored and awe-struck with the sun-kissed siren somehow pulling me in

is it strange to say i think i lost you to the sea? that it was the reflection of the light off the waves, that promised watery escape, that drew you there and left you drenched - should i assume you didn't notice? did you wander too far, did you wade too deep?

is it strange to say i'd still follow you anywhere? when i'm lulled to sleep, listening to the almost silent sea-shanty bay-side lullabies pushed to the back of my mind

the dreams that are there when i close my eyes

they're full of far away drifting ships, and also light, and also darkness

whispering voices, things hidden under the depths

words trapped in bubbles, pearls trapped in shells,

and me digging my feet into the sand, trapped here, tiptoeing along the ocean shelf

here, there is love that feels a lot like swimming, swimming that looks a lot like sinking,

and there is also sun. and the sea. and you.

maybe those are all the same thing, after all

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