c'est cela l'amour

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"do all lovers feel like they're inventing something?,"

a portrait of a lady on fire

a sudden surge of energy, a change in atmosphere altogether

creation itself, and creation alone

i have always assumed that to love must be

to light ablaze, to solitarily sculpt

What Was into What Is and What Will Continue To Be,

which is only somewhat true


because i find: to love and be loved by you

is to sculpt and be sculpted in the very same moment

we might as well be made of clay, a wordless understanding

to touch and cleave to gentle touch, to hold the nape of a neck and lean into soft hands

to stretch out fingers and wrap them around your own, to kiss and respond in turn


one minute, seeking: walking the sun lit corridors of the museum,

slowly shifting your curious gaze and glancing around.

(isn't that creation? everything ceasing to exist until you lock eyes with-)

the next, sought: ceramic skin basking in the light,

standing still as a statue, subtle smile aimed at suitor

in full view, vulnerability chosen without a sound


there is a balance to it all, a back and forth

a steady breath exhaled, a switch (silent as anything) between seeing and choosing to be seen

between lighting ablaze and finding yourself enveloped in the sudden warmth,

stoking with tenderness and tending to this something, unexplainable

unable to be described


a kiln of our own

there is no place but this, no arms but yours

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