Vernart Family

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Last Chapter:

P.O.V Gajeel

We finished with both of them in less than five minutes, especially to that all finished when my wife used HELLFIRE on the snake not only burning the demon but also the witch. It ended up being that the demon and master shared body, mind and soul. The translation took more time, Shrimp needed the rest of the evening, all night and morning to finish it. The reason wasn't that it was difficult but it was long. I ended up taking a sleepy Shorty back home "Gihi at least we finished the job quickly! Tomorrow we have to start with the preparations for dinner".

Chapter 28:

P.O.V Levy

-That's enough!- i shouted. My husband looked at me surprised "Of course i'm angry, after all the only thing that you have been doing since i woke up is drive me crazy!"- Gajeel- this time my voice was sweet and gentle- I know that you are nervous but calm down. Everything is going to be all right- he hesitated for just a minute but at the end he sighed, running a hand through his raven hair.

-Sorry Shrimp- he wrapped his arms around my waist and gave me a short kiss- It's just that this is important to me.

-Apologies accepted and don't sweat it, i know that this is something special for you- he smiled, leaning once again to kiss me. This time it was slow, sensual and full of passion, he bit my lower lip making me moan and taking that chance to harass my mouth with his tongue- G Gajeel- i managed to gasp between kisses- We... need... to...get...things...ready...for...dinner.

He lifted me up without braking the kiss and carried me towards our room, i giggled as he threw me on the soft mattress of the bed- We cleaned up everything, the table is ready as well as the cake is bought, the only thing left is the lasagna which only takes one hour to be cooked. And we have at lest three good more hours left until the dinner starts- he leaned down and nibbled my ear- We can have some fun until then- he hushed, kissing me roughly "I never win".

Two hours lately, i was putting the lasagna in the oven- You look gorgeous Shorty- my husband said. I was wearing a long sleeve blue dress until above my knees, it had some small white flowers at the bottom, with white open high heels and a white bandanna.

-You don't look bad yourself sir-i told him. Gajeel was wearing a black pair of trousers, black shoes and a black shirt with the first two buttons opened- Where is Lily?

-He's taking a shower right now- out of the blue the bell rang "Who might be at these hours?". I saw my mate's colors drain from his face and murmured something.

-Why are they here now? They should be getting here at least in one good hour.

P.O.V Gajeel

I was admiring how beautiful is my wife when i smelled some familiar odors and heard the bell rang. I felt the colors of my face drain and muttered something accidentally-Why are they here now? They should be getting here at least in one good hour.

As soon as i went to open the door three girls jumped into my arms knocking me off. When i touched the floor, a loud sound could be heard-Gajeel are you all right?- i heard the worried voice of Shorty, when i looked up i noticed that she had came to where i was. I put the three girls on the floor and wrapped an arm on her waist.

-Well Shrimp this are Miss Veronica Vernart, Mister Stefan Vernart, that big girl over there is Miyu Vernart and the other ones areCaroline and Katherine Vernart the are seven years old- i presented them to her- Vernart family this is my mate, wife and the girl i talked you about, Levy Redfox.

-It's a pleasure to finally meet all of you and thanks for looking after him- she bowed respectfully.

-No need for bowing Gajeel's family are ours, so please forget all the formalities. And the pleasure is ours, Gajeel didn't stop talking about you in any moment, come on darling i'll tell you everything when we get to the living- Veronica stated, dragging Shrimp into the apartment being followed by the three little girls. I sweat dropped.

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