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Last Chapter:

P.O.V Gajeel

When the unison raid finished Jura was knocked out- U unbelievable! Fairy Tail team B wins on the last minute- the crowd went wild... but my heart stopped when i saw my mate's body fall on the ground unconscious...

Chapter 60

P.O.V Gajeel

My world froze as i saw the stationary body of my mate on the infirmary's bed, "I is she alive?" was the first thing i asked myself which was answered by her steady heartbeats and regular breathing "Thank Mavis"- What do you mean by she is in coma?!- i heard fanboy shout making my heart miss a beat "C coma?".

-Levy Redfox used too much magic and she fell into a coma, but don't worry we deduce that she will wake up in a week or so- a man with a white coat said.

-Coma?- i asked/murmured while walking to her side- She is in coma?

-Gajeel, it is all my fault- bowed Fanboy- She almost fought all the battle against Jura on her own... if i had been stronger...

-Leave- i told him- Leave and let me be alone with my wife... please.

-All right- he said depressed making his way out.

-Fredd- i called out for him before he left the room but my gaze never left my mate's face- It isn't your fault- i didn't see his expression but i could bet you anything that he was smiling.

"Shrimp... come back for me... don't leave me alone" i begged on my head while caressing her left cheek sweetly "I love you".

P.O.V Levy

Darkness... that's all i could see... "How much time had passed since i got here?... Where is Gajeel... or Lily?... Why am i here?... Am i alive?... What is this place?..." i asked myself a lot of questions "What is happening?... WAIT A MINUTE... Eliot! Ishtar! Where are you?! They are a part of me... so they should be here with me too... please answer me... i don't want to be alone..." i felt something falling from eyes... "Tears?... Am i crying?... Please someone help me...".

-Levy- i heard a voice very familiar "Who was him?... Where was him?..."- I love you- he continued i could feel his voice breaking... and that for a reason broke my heart... "Why do i feel like this?..."- So please don't leave me... come back my little fairy...- "Little Fairy?!... Gajeel?!... Where are you? I can't see you?"- Return from your sleep... so we could go on that S-class mission that you so wanted to do... then we could celebrate together... creating a brat of our own...- i chuckled but cried at the same time "Gajeel... No there is no time to cry right now, i have to return to him...". I gathered all the strength i had and walked towards the light from where my husband's voice was coming from "Wait for me Gajeel i'm coming". I groaned at the sudden light after being... i don't know how much time... in darkness- L Levy?- my mate asked me unsure as if he was dreaming- A are you really awake?

-Y yes, i am- i answered weakly "Why did i feel like shit?", "Vocabulary!" scolded me Ishtar, "A lady shouldn't use that kind of language" Eliot concurred, "And what do you know about being a lady?!" i and my big sis shouted annoyed, "You are both back! What happened?" i asked them, "Let your husband explain you that" Eliot said a bit sad.

-You are back!- he crashed me in a big hug and buried his face where my mating mark was, letting me feel the tears on his cheeks- I thought i lost you- he whispered "Lost me?... What is happening?!".

-Gajeel what happened to me? Why are you crying?... What happened with the Grand Magic Games?!- i asked him very confused.

He sat me on his lap and kissed me fondly, a gesture that i returned- You were in coma for almost two weeks- his voice cracking while he said it "Coma?!"- You used too much magic in your fight against Jura- "Jura?... Did i win?!"- And before you ask yes you won- i smiled "He always know what is going in my head"- Excalibur team A won the Grand Magic Games, Fairy Tail team B got second, on third place was Sabertooth, there was a draw for the fourth place of Fairy Tail team A and Excalibur team B, another draw for the fifth place of Mermaid Heels and Quatro Cerbeus and finally on sixth place and last there was Lamia Scale- "S second place?" i was very disappointed, i participate for the first time in the Games and i got second- Shh don't feel bad- he hushed me- You did great, you won against one of the ten saint mages!- he exclaimed dramatically making me laugh- And lastly the reason why i was crying... was because i tought that i... that i... that i lost you- he shed a few more tears which i wiped away- Don't you ever make me worry like that again!- he growled.

-I won't- i simply said, leaning down to kiss him passionately.

We ended up taking each other's clothes and having sex... "What else did you expect i almost died?!...".

P.O.V Gajeel

"I have her back!" i smiled down at the petit blue haired nude girl in my arms "I have her back"- Holly shit!- i heard someone exclaim from the door of the infirmary, i quickly turned my gaze towards the voice founding all Fairy Tail team B outside the room.

-Shh! She is sleeping- i scolded them.

They began to cry from happiness- Did Lev-chan wake up?- asked Rainy Woman.

-No, i had sex with her while she was in coma- i said sarcastically making my oldest friend blush- Of course that she woke up! Now all of you shu, i don't want anybody seeing her like this.

Demon girl and the Drunkard giggled- You should have thought that before having sex with her in a public place- told me smirking Fanboy.

I just growled and kicked them out "Bastards" i smiled and looked down at my sleepy mate "We have good friends Shrimp".

Next Chapter: What kind of S-class mission will Gajeel and Levy take? Will they have complications?


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