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Last Chapter:

P.O.V Gajeel

-Something else i would like to tell you is that one week from where you come is a year over here. So if you want to train another year before your S-class test... you can stay here... this library is always updating with all the books that are published from where you come and... Metalicana isn't the only dragon here... the others could help you- she murmured loud enough to be heard "What the fuck?!".

I gazed at Shrimp and by the look on her face i knew the answer already- We...

Chapter 45:

P.O.V Levy

We were standing just in front of Fairy Tail- Come on Shrimp!- Gajeel said- Ready?

-Born ready- i answered, remembering something that happened months ago. He laughed like that time and pushed open the doors- We are back!- i exclaimed.

The guild went from fighting to be as still as a rock. After a few minutes of uncomfortable silence, my female guild mates irrupted with tones of questions as : 'Where did he take you?', 'What did he do?', 'Was he romantic?', 'Did you have fun?'. And dragged me away from him towards the bar, i looked behind me and found out that Lily was with his father trying to save him from all the guys.

-What happened with your style of clothes?- i heard Lu-chan ask.

I looked down at me, i suppose that i really wasn't using my type of clothing. I was wearing a chocolate pair of shorts, a loosen three quarters marine blue shirt and marine blue open sandals. I still remember when Roxy, my grand-aunt, gave it to me. It wasn't my favorite style but it was comfortable and nice- I just wanted to have a change but i still prefer my kind of clothing- i lied but it looked as if no one noticed, in exception of Ju-chan.

-So... did something impressive happen in you honey moon?- asked Bisca, "Crap! I am in a huge problem". However, before even i was able to answer Master talked getting all the attention.

-Mina it's time for the S-class test!- he was standing at the stage with all the S-class mages behind him. The guild was silent, some of them worried after what happened the last time- The candidates are: Gajeel Redfox, Natsu Dragneel, Levy Redfox, Juvia Loxar, Grey Fullbuster, Cana Alberona, Freed Justine and Elfman Strauss. This year it won't be a team test, the participants will have to do it alone. You will have a week to train before we leave towards Tenrou Island, the instructions will be given at the ship.

With that he left-Levy-chan omedeto! You too Cana and Juvia!- congratulated us Lu-chan.

-Two years in a row that you are chosen to participate. Nice work!- told us Bisca.

-This is something we need to celebrate drinking!- exclaimed Cana, lifting her mug of bear.

-I'm in!- i told them, they looked at me with a puzzled expression- What? It's been a long time since i had a drink- "And i really need one, after all the information i needed to process".

I spent the rest of the day drinking and having fun with my friends "I really missed you guys".

P.O.V Lily

Mom and Dad had come back from their honey moon but they seem a little bit... emotional. They don't stop from hugging me and kissing me, as if they haven't seen me in a year. However, i let it pass because who i'm kidding i like it when they are like that... and mom promised me to make me all the kiwi juice i wanted "Gihi! my precious kiwi juice...". I could feel that my eyes were turning into the same ones that Happy has when he sees fish.

P.O.V Gajeel

-Come on mina on the ship!- ordered Master "No! no, no, no, no and fucking NO! I won't approach that fucking machine of death... Eh... what is it?... I feel sleepy...". My sight clouds and i...

-...jeel, Gajeel darling wake up- i heard my little fairy's voice calling for me.

-What happened?- i asked, siting up. When i looked to my surrounding i noticed that i was at the ship and everyone's eyes were on me.

-L-onesan poisoned you, that's what happened- answered fanboy.

-Not again. Was it necessary?- i asked looking at my wife in disbelief.

-You wouldn't approach the ship if i haven't done that- she answered as if it was the most common thing to do.

-Agh!- coughed the master to get our attention- Your first task is to seek into the depths of the island for a challenge you must complete, it could be to fight against a S-class mage or another thing but you must complete it in three days or you will be out- "Three days? Gihi, piece of cake"- The second task will be deliver to the ones who finish the first one. Let's the test begin!

Fanboy jumped from ship and wrote a rune barrier and went flying towards the island, leaving us trapped-F-onichan is that you never learn?- i heard my Shrimp and saw her shack her head- I can rewrite them easily- she re wrote them and went flying with similar wings that her cousin had but hers were white and not purple.

-She can use Dark Écriture?!- asked in disbelief ice princess "Gihi! and that's not all". I re wrote the runes and flew towards the island with my dragon's wings- And Metal Head can re write runes and has wings too?!

"Gihi! I asked adult shorty (my name for my dad's mate) if she could teach me the basic of re write them because i knew that it will happen the same that the last test. Let's the test begin".

Next Chapter: Which are going to be the challenges? What else did Levy and Gajeel learnt?

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