Chapter 3

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(Y/n() POV

It was almost time for the school day to come to an end. Up until now, mostly everyone had welcomed me into the class with open arms. Once the fact that I was now attending U.A. High sinked in, I was super hyped. I mean how couldn't you be?

I looked around at my classmates, trying to take in as much as humanly possible. I glanced at the ash blonde sitting a few rows  away from me. I couldn't help but feel captivated by him. I mean, technically thanks to him, I'm sitting here right now. I wanted to thank him but I felt nervous. Although I can be quite extroverted and outgoing, I'm also awkward and shy with new people.

"Umm..(y/n)? Are you okay?"
I heard a shy voice beside me.

I glanced up at whoever it was, snapping out of my daydream.

I saw a familiar green haired, freckled boy, who I now knew as Midoriya. After my exam, he went out of his way to greet me and make sure I felt welcome. He also asked me questions about my quirk and such, which I was happy to answer.

Oh! Sorry about that. Yeah I'm good!" I gave him a warm smile.

"So um..-" he seemed nervous.
"Are you busy after school?"
He stuttered, avoiding contact as he played with his fingers.

"Hmm.." i rested my hand on my chin. "Nope! I'm free. Why do you ask?"

"Well me and a few others wanted to go out to get a bite to eat. We wanted to know if you would like to go with us?" He sounded more confident know which made me happy.

"Of course! I could never say no to food. Also, not that I mind but who's going?"
I asked him, hoping a few people I had already talked to were part of the group.

"Well, let me think. Besides us it would be Uraraka, Ashido, Tsu, Iida, Kirishima, and Todoroki. The others can't go. Well except Bakugou. We haven't really asked him yet." He said, glancing at the same ash blonde who I assumed was Bakugou.

"Okay so one, you're gonna have to tell me who they are because I'm still kinda learning who's who. And two, why not?"
I chuckled nervously at the first fact.

"Well Bakugou is kind of a hot head and he sort of doesn't really like anyone except maybe Kirishima but that's also unknown." He said nervously.

"Oh well in that case, I'll go!"
I said happily, already on my way to his desk.

"(Y/n)- I" he said but I was already in front of the blonde by the time the words were coming out of his mouth.

"Hey!" I said cheerfully, trying to make as good of an impression ad possible.

"The fuck do you want, Smokey."
He said rudely, his crimson red orbs sending a glare in my direction.


As hard as it was not to shoot him the same exact look, I tried to maintain as friendly and personable as possible.

"So me and a few others wanted to go eat something. Wanna go?"
I smiled at him.

"No." I coldly stated.

I wasn't taking no for an answer.

"Um..sorry that wasn't a question, it was a command. Also, how could you say no to food? Isn't that what all teenage boys rave about?" I said, a little more intimidating this time.

"Fuck off, extra."






He scoffed at me.
"You're so fucking annoying. Fine. Now will you please shut your stupid ass up?" He stood up next to me and began walking toward the door.

Showering in my victory, I followed closely behind him proudly.

As we all exited the school and began walking toward the pizzeria, everyone started chatting about different things.
Iida was leading the group, taking us to wherever he was taking us. Behind him were Uraraka and Midoriya, whom I assumed to be some kind of couple or something. Then Ashido and Tsuyu, who were having a discussion on who was the most "iconic" female pro hero.
Then there was Kirishima, who was making a tragic attempt at having a conversation with Bakugou, which I found quite entertaining. And in front of me there was Todoroki, who seemed lost in thought. I was behind all of them, guilty eves dropping on the conversations.

Suddenly, we entered a quite sketchy looking area. I put ny guard up and I think most of the others did too.
I felt someones hand touch my shoulder and I looked up at them quickly. I was relieved to see Todoroki staring back at me.

"Get in front of me. It's not safe to have you walking back here all alone. Someone could try to attack you if we aren't careful."

"Aww! Thanks Todoroki. You're so thoughtful!" I smiled at him, appreciating his kind gesture."

He smiled back at me.

"It's no problem."


Look how beautiful and kind my lil Todoroki is 😤😩
Tbh, I rlly wanna write a Todoroki x reader so If ya'll are interested in seeing that (in the future) then let me know!!!
For now 1 x reader is good cause highschool and stuff but yeah. Im gonna get started on the next chapter right now so expect it either today or tomorrow maybe. Luv ya lots.
~Alex ❤️

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