Chapter 9

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Mina's POV

As soon as the match ended I stood up to congratulate (y/n) on her win against Izuku.
I was about to run over to her until I noticed something very peculiar.  I saw Bakugou holding her.

I looked over to see Kirishima looking just as surprised as me.

"Kirishima....?" I whispered slowly as I touched his shoulder.

"Yeah...I know." He responded.

"Interesting.." We said in unison.



My eyes fluttered open as I sat up suddenly.

"What the hell? What happened?" I said to myself, looking around the strange room.

I heard a quivering voice answer my question. "You're in the infirmary."

My head snapped in the direction of the voice. To my surprise there was a short woman sitting in an office chair.

"Oh, um..hello!" I said, trying my hardest not to sound groggy.

"Hello, sweetie. How are you feeling?" She question, hopping off her little chair.

"I'm feeling.." She pressed her hand against my forehead. "Good?"
She walked back over to her nurse's chair.

"You know, you really shouldn't over work yourself like that. You were out for quite a bit."

The sudden urge to look out the window overpowered me and I looked through the glass beside me. To my dismay, the sky was coated in various hues of orange, red, and pink. Students were nowhere to be seen and teachers were flooding out of the large building, signaling that it was later than I had expected, and quite frankly, hoped.

"Shit!" I cursed under my breath.

The lady made an effort to ignore the seemingly obvious curse. "Well anyways, you seem to look and feel a lot better. Go home, get some rest, and don't work too hard. You might end up hurting yourself even more."

"Ok! Thanks." I said as I stood up, grabbed my bag and walked out.

As I was exiting the building, the thought popped in my head.

Who the fuck brought me and my bag there?

I dug deep down into my memory, trying desperately to remember the last events before waking up. Soon enough, my question was answered as memories came flooding in.
The blonde hair, the ruby red orbs, the gruff voice.
All signs pointed at one person.

Bakugou Katsuki.

Stars now illuminated the indigo and black sky as I walked down the vacant streets. In moments like these, I regretted living so far from school. Suddenly, I tripped on a broken metal pipe.
"Oh shit!" I grabbed it, seeing as It could be useful to defend myself.
I tried to keep my head up, keys in hand just in case too. I attempted to walk at a normal pase, but soon enough, as the wind blew and shivers ran down my body, the hairs lifting off of my skin, I couldn't help but begin to fast walk, which quickly transitioned into slow running. I looked down every single alleyway I passed, glanced behind me any opportunity I could get.
My heartbeat quickened when I heard footsteps coming from behind me.
I took in a deep breath, trying to calm myself down. But my blood ran cold as I heard an unfamiliar deep voice talk to me.

"Hey princess. What are you doing tonight?"

My breaths started getting shaky. A million and one thoughts and actions ran through my head. Should I ignore him, run, fight?"
I decided I would just ignore him. I knew it would probably anger him, but I couldn't fight with my quirk right now as long as he hadn't done anything, and I was too weak to be able to outrun him so I kept walking.

"Hey bitch! I'm talking to you!"




As soon as I got the chance, I booked it. The wind blew through my (h/c) hair, my (e/c) eyes were wide open.

"Come back here you fuckin' whore!" He yelled as he ran behind me. Out of pure need to get him away from me, I threw the metal pipe at him, hitting him right in the face.


"Fuck, Fuck!" I whispered as I ran. I could hear his footsteps catching up on me. My breaths were loud and short. I could feel my legs begin to cramp up.

God fucking damnit! Why'd I have to go that far in a stupid fight?

In the distance, I could see my house. My vision started getting blurry.

Nah uh. Not today bitch.

The adrenaline had finally kicked in as I saw the signature roses in my garden just half a block away. I forced my legs to go faster as I heard his panting only a few feet away. I began fumbling with my keys, trying to look for the right one as I neared the door. My heart beat felt like it was going a hounded miles per hour when I stopped in front of the door.
I quickly unlocked the it and ran inside. I pushed the it closed as hard as I could and locked it in the blink of an eye.
Not even a second later, the man began banging on my door.

He yelled another string of curses before I retaliated.


Everything went quiet.
After what felt like an eternity, I looked out of the peep hole.
He was nowhere in sight. Just to double check, I peeped though the curtains. He wasn't there. I sighed.
Suddenly the fear reached me and I collapsed onto the floor.
I grabbed my phone and called the only person I could think about in that moment.





"Come over.. please" i said quietly.

"What the fuck? Why?"


"What. No!"


He only sighed.


Hey guys!!!!!!! I really enjoyed writing this chapter. Like REALLY REALLY. I'm kind of on a writing spree souuu yah???? Im gonna try and get the most out of it. Im gonna write the next chapter now since I'm at the doctors office and have nothing better to do :/
Love~ Alex ❤️

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