Chapter 37

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Your POV

I groaned as i felt an obnoxiously bright ray of sunshine peeking in through the neutral colored curtains.
I began to shift onto my other side, wincing as I felt a sharp pain in my nether-region.
I sucked in a breath, deciding to move regardless of any pain I knew I was about to feel.
"Shit" I whimpered before finally being comfortable again.
I found myself staring at Katsuki's pretty yet harsh and angular face. He was truly perfect. My hand instinctively made its way to his cheek and jawline, tracing its sharpness.
His eyebrows drew together uncomfortably, making my hand recoil. Suddenly, his hand grabbed mine, pulling it to his mouth where he softly bit my knuckle.

"Mornin'" he grumbled, a cocky smirk plastered onto his perfect features.

"Hi." I mumbled shyly, my neck and ears subtly burning red as memories from last night rushed back.

He stretched as he sat up. I stared as his back and arm muscles rippled and cracked in relief.

The urge to copy him and do the exact same thing he was doing flooded me and i sat up. Before I could do anything else, I winced. Pain shot from my whoo-haa up my spine.

"Holy shit" I muttered quickly.
Katsuki immediately supported me, one of his large hands on my back and the other gripping my hand gently.

"Are you okay?" He muttered close to my ear, unusual concern in his tome. His hot breath sent shivers down my spine. I nodded, tightening my grip as more pain made its way through my nerves until all the hairs on my body were standing up.
I couldn't help but smile though. We had a fight but we still made it through. It only made us closer in every way possible,

"Katsuki?" I whispered loud enough for him to hear.

"Hm" he grunted, still holding onto me.

"I love you." I smiled from ear to ear, the corner of my lips tugging on my (s/c) skin.

His ears flushed, mirroring the color of his orbs as he glanced away.

"I love ya' too, idiot." He grumbled.

This pulled at my heartstrings. The thought that he loved me too, the thought that he felt the same way as me made my heart melt into a red little puddle.

"Good." I said, my voice extremely breathy before I laid a gentle peck on his pale, soft skin.


"Slow down! You'll choke!" I nagged my cute, blonde Hedgehog of a boyfriend who was , oh so gracefully, inhaling the room service that we had ordered.

He smirked that infamous devilish grin of his.
"Yeah, just like you chocked on this dick las-"

"K ATSUKI!" I yelled as I smacked him over the head with my bare hand.
My entire face and probably even my neck was flushed a bright shade of pink.

"Oi, you opened the door for my comment  so from my perspective, this is more your fault than it is mine." He spoke calmly yet somehow, still made it sound cocky and only slightly condescending.

"Shut up, that's so toxic." I crossed my arms and looked away. We stayed in a brief silence before we started to laugh.

I stared at him for a few long seconds, admiring his handsome face as he chugged down every last drop of the abnormally large glass of orange juice. I smiled at myself, finally feeling content with my position in life. I was in an amazing school, doing what I've wanted to do for so long, have an amazing group of friends friends, and the best boyfriend on Earth. How could I not be happy?

My thoughts were interrupted as I found myself making charged eye contact with the boy of my dreams.

"Why are you staring at me? Aren't you hungry? You've barely touched your food." He pointed out.
I nodded. I wasn't really that hungry right now.

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