Chapter 18

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(Y/n) POV

I was currently staring at Aizawa-Sensei, mouth agape.
"C-can I chang-" My plead was cut off my the sleepy man.
"No." He simply but sternly stated.

"But why not?" I asked-whined.

"Because you already gave me the form. And"
He stopped.
"And?" I urged him on.

"And I think..It'll be good for Bakugou to take notice of someone a bit more.. tamed."
He finally spoke.
"Sit down, (l/n). I will dismiss the class shortly." He sighed

"But I-"

"No buts." He glared

I could only walk back to my seat in defeat and watch him list the students along with their internship and agency choices.
I could feel the ash blonde stare daggers into the side of my head at the mention of both of us being in the same internship. Once Aizawa-Sensei had dismissed the class, Mina jolted up.

"Oh my gosh! (Y/n), you and Bakugou? In the same internship? This is gonna be so entertaining!" She squealed.

"That's exactly what Sensei said." I answered in a defeated tone.

"He said "oh my gosh!?"" She asked, trying her best to tease me.

"No, Mina. He did not, in fact, say "oh my gosh." I said with a bored hint in my voice, trying to make her drop the dreaded conversation.

"Oki doke then!" she paused for a moment. "OH!" She yelled, getting most of the people in the classrooms attention.

She then walked up to the brown desk at the front, hopping on it, getting a sigh from Aizawa.

"Everyone! Tomorrow night we will be holding a Christmas party! It's at Momo's house! I'll make sure to text you guys her address in the class group chat. Dress code is something cute and CHRISTMASY!"
She hopped off of the desk and walked back over to me, picking up her pink backpack.
I had already known about the party, since the girls wouldn't stop talking about it.

"(Y/n)!" She yelled, once again grabbing my attention.

"No need to yell. I'm right fucking here!" I chuckled.

"I know, I know! But before I forget, I'll be passing by your house tomorrow." She stated casually as we began shuffling out of the classroom.

"Why? Don't you need to get ready?" I asked, wondering why the hell she would come over when she obviously had a ton of shit on her plate.

"I need to drop off your outfit, of course!" She spoke, as if it was the most obvious thing on Earth.


"Shhhhh!" She gently put her finger on my lips.

"You'll be thanking me, okay? Plus, it's part of the girl's dress code! Anyway, see ya tomorrow!" She screamed as she ran down the street.

I hadn't even noticed we were already at the school gates.

"Took you long enough." I heard the familiar raspy voice behind me.
"Took me long enough for what?" I questioned, Bakugou, wondering what the hell he was scolding me about.

"Took you long enough to get here." He growled. I could tell my questioning was getting on his last nerve, but I just wanted to ask one more question.

"Why are you waiting?"

3rd Person POV

He was silent. If he was completely honest, he didn't know. He had no idea as to why he was waiting for her. It could've been the fact that, as an aspiring number one hero, he wanted to protect her. He'd stick with that, for now. But there was no way he'd admit that to her either.

(Y/n) POV
He looked pensive for a few seconds, avoiding eye contact.
Then he just started walking.
"Come on, Smokey. Or I'm leaving you behind."

Hm, ignoring my question, are you?

I followed behind him, catching up quickly.

"Hey, Bakugou?"

"Hm?" He only grumbled in response

"Are you gonna go tomorrow?" He raised a questioning eyebrow, matching it with a scowl. "To the party, I mean." I wondered if he would come. No specific reason in mind.

"No." He plainly responded after a few seconds.

"But why not?" I whined.
"It'll be so much fun!" I tried to persuade him.

"I don't need to waste my time with you fucking losers!" He knitted his brows angrily.

"Alright." My voice had dropped and so had my heart.
I didn't know why but I found myself hoping I could spend some time with him. I shrugged it off, putting it off as 'nothing'.
We remained in silence for the rest of the walk. Once I got to my doorstep, I waved at him- which he didn't return- and walked inside.
I sighed as I laid down on my bed, emotionally exhausted from the weirdly inactive day.
I closed my eyes, drifting off into sleep.
HO HO HO MARY CHRISTMAS! (Depending on where u live and your religion.) Today will be a double update. I MUST FINISH THE CHRISTMAS SPECIAL. It'll be up later today since it's an extra long chapter. Hope you're having a great day!
Love~ Alex ❤️


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