Quick Question

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Hey e'rybody! How ya doin'? I'm doing not too great but it's fine cuz nothing ever seems to be going good here in Alex-land. BUT ANYWAY- I was wondering about other X-Readers. I'm still not close to being done with Smoke so don't worry your pretty little head about that! I don't like writing other book while not being done with the current one cuz then Ill have to juggle 2 books and 1 is enough 😂 anywho.... I wanted to share some characters I would like to write about. Yall tell me who you would prefer reading about !

1. Todoroki x Reader (BNHA)

2. Hawks x Reader (BNHA)

3. Meliodas x Reader (7DS)

4. Ban x Reader (7DS)

I would love to write about any of them so yall let me know plz. If not I'll choose.
Thank you so much for all the support !

(Next chap will be up end of this week or next week)

Love ~Alex ❤️

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