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Third Person POV

Jillian scrutinized at the pictures circulating the internet.

"That dog went viral?" She muttered. Its not just the cute, protective creature that was famous. She was famous as well for being exposed of her true behaviour. Being instagram famous means that people will tag you and those interested will view clips and pictures with you in it.

Jillian was worried at first. People spammed her with messages of her atrocious actions to her victim. But something else caught her eye. Something more important than her those messages and comments.

The blue head gear had her attention. A blue, topless hat with an exact design as the one worn by her idol.



There was absolutely no way Y/N the annoying pest could have afforded that. Unless she stole it! She even had spies to check on Y/N, just to check on what she brings back. No reports. Nothing. She did hear one of them say about seeing her play with a dog with a blue hat before it ran off, once. But... how?

Jillian's mind wandered off as she sat at the balconey of her parent's condominium. She thought of the stories her grandma used to tell her of an old lady. She used to dismiss it off rudely, telling her grandma there was no such thing as a lady who turned people into other living creatures to help those in need. But that b*tch Y/N didn't deserve that help! The confused and partially annoyed girl tried to think of other posibilities. Unfortunately, her mind brought her to square one each time without fail. The story etched itself in her mind. Frustrated, she banged her fist against the ancient shelf.

A faint sound of a piece of hard paper hitting the marble floor was heard. Jillian turned around cautiously, afraid that someone unknown was there. Heaving a sigh of relief, she snatched up the post card that lay on the edge of her table.

49 Wall Street, #09-34
Taiwan, China
Cath's Shop of Souvenirs

'The Old Lady and the Mysterious spell'

Jillain glanced at the last line written in her late grandma's scribbly writing. Her curiosity bubbled and she was burning with her soon to come revenge on Y/N.

"Well well. Y/N, you better watch your back. I'm about to find out your little secret. Jiakai will be mine, all mine!" She cackled evilly, prepared to launch her well fulfilled plan into action.

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