Ch.8 Physics/Harley

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Go read my new book Necklace Of Time!! I already have it written I just upload every Saturday or Sunday and some random Mon-Friday, COMMENT AND VOTE ON IT AS WELL PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

**Chapter 8**

Jessica stares at Clover and Star at their old table from the year before. The one by the only window in the whole cafeteria, farthest from the trashes and the cowded lunch line. Clover sits in Jessica's usual place at the head of the table. Jessica's blood boils in her veins. All she wants to do is punch Clover in her pretty little painted face. It disgusts Jessica of how much make-up that girl really has on, Star isn't as bad but she is still caked in the crap.

"Do I wear that much make-up?" Jessica asks as Nicoletta and Delilah sit down at their table, which Jessica, of course, was invited to sit at since she was banished from her old table, not litterally, but she can take a hint.

Delilah scowls at Jessica. No matter how much Jessica tries to appolagize for her old behavior, or how much she tries to be friends with her, Delilah will not give her a chance.

"Not anymore." Nicoletta politely answers her question. Jessica isn't so sure she wanted it to be answered in the first place. Some things are better left unanswered.

"Are you even wearing any make-up?" Delilah asks. Jessica isn't sure if it was suposed to sound mean or not.

She decides to answer anyway, just in case it was a real question. "I'm to tired to put make-up on so I only do a quick eyeliner and mascara to open up my eyes."

Delilah just stares at her. Jessica smiles back, hopefully friendly.

"Your tired too? Ugh, I thought I was the only one." Nicoletta says, sounding relieved.

"She has to take a nap after school she is so tired and everyday around threeish." Jace says with a frown. "It really cuts into my time." He smiles at Nicoletta who blushes, causing Jessica's heart to flutter.

"Cuts into your sex and makeout time you mean?" Zach laughs.

This time Jace is the one to blush. "No. I meant my time to spend with her." He looks down at his cold turkey sandwich sitting on his blue plastic tray. "We really don't have that much sex, makeouts yes, sex not so much."

Nicoletta shakes her head. "Can we not talk about mine and Jace's sex life while I'm trying to eat?"

"Agreed." Jessica says. Although she would love to hear more about Nicoletta's sex she doesn't like how Jace is always involved. 

"Do you not get enough sex, Jessica?" Zach asks with a grin.

"Shut up." Jessica says. There's only one girl she would like to have sex with, and she is sitting across the table from her and taken. "I can get sex whenever I want. I mean, look at me, I'm a hottie and you know it."

Zach snorts. "Your a "hottie" in your own way I guess." He finger quotes the word hottie. "But Delilah here, now she is a smokin hot hottie who is so hot she in on fire." He winks at her. "Especially in bed."

"Oh my god." Deiliah shouts and hides her face in her hands.

"Don't be shy baby. No one else at this table is ever going to know first hand like I do so I gotta share."

"No you don't." Nicoletta says quickly before Zach has a chance to speak again. "If I wanted to have sex with Delilah I could, any time I like, but I don't so please don't share when I could find out on my own."

This puts Jessica in an awkward situation. Yes, Jessica gets a lady boner, just by talking about Nicoletta having sex, especially with onother girl. It also furiates her though. The fact that Delilah and her are so close that if they wanted to they would have sex together. Jessica wants to be that close to Nicoletta. Jessica knows she will never be that close to Nicoletta though. She knows she will never be able to replace Delilah, no matter how hard she tries, no matter what she does or says, Delilah will always come first for Nicoletta.

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