Ch.2 First Day Of School

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Jace's Coupe is to the side!! :D >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

**Chapter 2**

The brick building that sits outside Jace's silver Coupe is all to familiar to Nicoletta. She watches as kids pile from vehicles and off buses and into the big building from the pouring rain. Nicoletta can feel it is going to be a bad day.

It's raining on the first day of school, does that forshadow a bad year? Her iPhone broke, she cut herself shaving, her towel fell off of her in front of Jace, she lost her schedule, threw up twice from all the stress, and almost made her and Jace late. Yes, today was already a bad day, the rest is sure to come.

Nicoletta plays with the hem of her jacket as she watches a kid get splashed by mud water from some jerk speeding, poor kid. His hair and clothes are soaked with muddy water as he lets his umbrella fall to his side. He looks like he is about to cry, his backpack slouching on his arm even more, the weight dragging him down. How could his bag have such weight in it on the first day, he must be a Freshman.

"Are you ready?" Jace asks, pulling Nicoletta's attention back into the car.

She swallows hard and shakes her head. "No." She chokes out.

Jace smiles at her. "To bad." He says and gets out of the car.

Nicoletta watches in horror and slow motion as he opens the umbrella and pulls her out of the car.

"I'm not going in alone." Jace says and drags Nicoletta to the school building.

Nicoletta stops struggling when they reach the doors since she realized Jace could and was overpowering her anyway and she looked silly trying to tug him back or stop suddenly.

The building smells of cleaning supplies and kids in bad need of deodorant and a shower, causing both Nicoletta and Jace to wrinkle their noses in disgust.

"I need a new schedule." She says and drags Jace to the main office with students already there in line, well as much of a line as they could in the cramped little waiting room.

Miss. Hayden is still here, obviously the kids last year didn't scare her off since she is still the receptionist. Jace holds onto Nicoletta by the waist and leans on the umbrella, with the tip to the ground.

Nicoletta stares right back at the kids who stare at her and Jace. Jace ignores them as he twirls the umbrella on the ground.

The next student in line gets help from Miss. Hayden. Nicoletta silently groans from the wait. Her feet hurt and all she wants to do is relax with her feet up, but no, instead she is stuck at school and the bell hasn't even rung yet.

Nicoletta doesn't know why Miss. Hayden prefers to be called a Miss, when she is married. Sure she is young at the age of twenty-five, but still, she has a baby for crying outloud. Being married and having a baby is practically the legall sign of being an adult, so why does she still go by Miss?

"Finally." Nicoletta blurts out as she is next in line. She automatically blushes. "Sorry." She says, mainly to Jace who looks at her with disappointment in his eyes.

Nicoletta promised to be nicer this year. You couldn't really tell any other year that she was mean because she kept to herself and didn't talk much. But with friends she was always mean and talking crap about what others did or what they wore. She is a silent meanie, or silent bully, which ever you choose to call it.

"I lost my schedule." Nicoletta says quietly to Miss. Hayden.

Miss. Hayden is pretty. Long silky blonde hair falls down her back in a thick braid with little pink and white flowers in it, which she stoped doing last year when she had her son. Her face is flawless with a perfect jawline and straight nose. Not a single pimple on her face. Her eyes are green but the left one is half brown, cool right?

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