chapter four: betrayed.

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chapter four: betrayed.

.."GO TO YOUR ROOM AND STAY THERE !!" She shouted. You sprinted upstairs your eyes blurred from tears. You walked in your room and slammed the door. You ran to the bathroom and locked it. You looked at yourself in the mirror. You couldn't stop crying. You dropped on the floor, your legs in your chest and your hands to your face. Why did life have to be so hard? Why was I ever born? Why is mom blaming me? You felt intense pain in your heart and chest and your head was spinning. You walked out of the bathroom still crying and opened your window letting a cool breeze in. You slowly climbed out of your window accidentally scratching your arm, ignoring it and jumped onto the roof. You then jumped down on the wet grass. You felt like you were about to faint but kept walking. You walked and walked and more and more tears came out. It started raining. You ran as fast as you could away from home. You tripped but picked yourself up and kept running. You stopped looking up still crying. "Why did you put me here!!" You scream. "Why!!" You dropped on the middle of the road, hands to your face and you just didn't wanna be here. As soon as you heard voices you got up and sat on the sidewalk, covering your face while you still cried. You felt a tap on your shoulder, wiped your mascara off your face and looked up. "Y/n?" You saw a familiar face but couldn't tell who it was because your eyes were still blurry. You rubbed your eyes and Pony was standing right in front of you with another boy. "What's wrong?" He asked. You couldn't take it you started bawling your eyes out. "H-hey. W-whats wrong?" A guy with dark brown hair and brown eyes asked you. He looked scared and lost, like me. They both sat next to you Pony was hugging you, trying to comfort you while the other boy kept his hands in his pocket looking down. "You can tell me anything y/n." Pony stated. "I h-hate my life." You replied and that made you cry even more. "It's so h-hard.." you said in between sobs. "What h-happened?.." The boy on the other side of me asked. You got up "Cmon i'll explain everything, lets just.. walk to the park." You said. You said wiping your tears and trying to stay strong. You were walking while wrapping your arms around your stomach trying to comfort yourself.

*time skip to the park*

All three of you sat down on the wet grass, not caring. You looked up at the beautiful glowing stars and a tear ran down your cheek. "It's b-beautiful i-isn't it?.." The boy asked. "Yeah it is." You replied softly. "What's your name?" You looked at the other boy staring into his sparkling brown eyes while he was staring into your sparkling e/c eyes. "J-johnny Cade." He replied shyly. "I'm y/n." You smiled while tears slowly ran down your cheek, slightly blushing. He starred at you and wiped the tears off your face with his soft hand. You looked up realizing that it was still raining but none of you cared. "So what happened y/n? Also what happened to your arm?" Pony asked while pointing at the bleeding scratch. "That's just a scratch. And Um well.... " You took a deep breath before explaining your past life. "A couple of years ago m-my dad... took his own life for no reason and u-um." You stopped while trying to hold tears back. They both patted your back. "It's ok. Its ok." Johnny said. "So um before h-he took his own life, my mom and dad had a-a lot of fights and every night he would be drunk in the mornings too. And he would break glass and threaten my mom. I would stay down there sometimes but I couldn't take it anymore. U-um one night it got really bad. Me and my older brother, Tom, were downstairs while he was yelling at us and glass was shattered everywhere and my mom was crying uncontrollably while laying on the couch. He walked upstairs and we all heard a noise. We all ran upstairs and saw my dad on the floor. I don't wanna give too much information but life has been so rough on me lately and I just.. I just don't want to be here." You said while crying. "Y/n don't say that." Johnny and Pony said. "Im sorry.." You said. "After I got done talking to you after school," You explained while pointing at Pony, "I decided to walk home since Tom wasn't there and I went to this exact park to do my homework and get my mind off of things and when I returned home I saw him laying on the couch with bruises and cuts. I mean he's strong. But my mom yelled at me and blamed it on me and I ran upstairs, I just couldn't take it anymore and I crawled out of my window because I wanted to take a walk. How could he have gotten into something like that?" You said while wiping tears. "Oh no." Johnny and Pony gasped. "What?.." You asked. "He might have gotten jumped.. by the um Socs." Johnny explained. "Jumped?" You said confused. "Yes like attacked. Have you heard of the Socs and Greasers?" He asked but Pony cut me off and explained for me. "She just moved here and yes she has, wait how do you know about them?" Pony wondered. "My friend Abby told me." You smiled. "Oh okay." He smiled back. "So you.. um ok now?" Johnny asked. "Sort of. But i'm glad I had y'all to talk to." But you weren't ok, you were tired and didn't want to do anything. You started crying again and looked up at the stars. Johnny pulled you in for a hug and you buried your head in his chest inhaling his scent. Your tears landed on his shirt but he didn't care. Pony then hugged you too. "Thanks you guys." You said hugging Johnny tightly. "Of course." They both replied. Before you realized it you had both fallen asleep, laying on the grass, while hugging Johnny and Pony next to you. Is this what having real friends feels like ?


You open your eyes and felt a warm sensation hit your face. You sat up rubbing your blurry eyes stared down at the grass with your legs against your chest. "Morning.." Johnny said while Pony was in deep sleep. "Good morning." You smiled softly. "How are you feeling?" He asked. "Ok, thanks for asking." You said. You were staring at each other for a while before you realized it. He was so cute. His brown eyes were sparkling and his brown hair was slowly moving with the wind. He looked so sad and lost. "Um Johnny?" You said. "How did you get that scar?" You asked. "Oh um. I .. um .. well, I got jumped.. a while ago. Badly. I thought I was going to die." He said with a frown but slightly blushing. Oh my god you thought. "Im so sorry Johnny, you don't deserve anything like that.." You said and hugged him. "Its ok." He said laying down and putting his head on my head while playing with my h/c hair. You felt a huge connection to him. And we ended up falling back to sleep.

*johnnys POV*

I woke up and saw someone sitting next to me while staring at the ground. It was y/n.
"Morning..." I said. Pony was still sleeping. "Good morning." She smiled. God she was so pretty and adorable. "How are you feeling?" I asked to make sure she was ok. "Ok, thanks for asking." She said. We stared at each other to what seemed like forever. I looked deeply into her beautiful e/c eyes and the wind blew away her silky h/c hair. "Um Johnny?" She asked. "How did you get that scar?" She wondered. I felt my cheeks getting warmed up and blushed. But then soon I realized what she was asking. Oh god, I didn't like remembering what happened. "Oh um. I .. um .. well, I got jumped a while ago. Badly. I thought I was going to die." I said, feeling pain in my chest. She looked shocked. "Im so sorry Johnny, you don't deserve anything like that.." She said as she pulled in for a hug. "Its ok." I said. She smelled like cinnamon and flowers. I laid down and she laid down as well, putting her head on my chest and I put my head on her head and played with her h/c hair. I felt a huge spark. And before I knew it we both fell asleep.

*back to you* 😉

I felt someone shaking me, I opened my eyes and saw Pony and saw 5 other guys standing in front of me. "Awe look Johnnycake got himself a broad!!" One guy who was tall with brown hair and brown eyes and wore a brown leather jacket said. "Shut up Dally." Darry said. "Hey y/n," Soda and Darry said with a frown. "Pony told us what happened." Soda finished. Pony looked at me and gave a worried smile. "H-hi guys." You said nervously. "Dally.. ?" You heard a voice behind you. It was Johnny. Johnny got up and took your hand pulling you up. "Um Y/n this is 'my gang'." He said. "Hi." You said while looking down. "JOHNNY CADE DID YA GET YOURSELF A GIRLFRIEND?" Dally asked. You blushed intensely and your heart started beating fast. He just looked down and we both rolled our eyes. "So is that a YES?" He yelled. "She's not my girlfriend." He said. "Mhm suree." He stated. "Um..what time is it?" You asked. "1:30 pm. Why?" A guy with brown hair and blue eyes asked. "By the way i'm two bit!!" He said while holding a beer bottle. "And i'm Steve." Steve said seriously. "Shit! I have to head home. My mom's gonna get worried." You exclaimed. Why did I even care? She blames everything on me. You started running as fast as you could while the gang was chasing after you "Y/N SLOW TF DOWN!!" They all yelled. But you didn't stop. Until your vision got blurry and your surroundings started moving weirdly. You tripped, trying to pick yourself up but you landed on the road again. You looked up and saw blurred faces. "Y/n? y/n?!" Johnny and Pony yelled. "Y/.." And before you knew it everything went black.

spooky 🤪

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