chapter nine: nauseated & exhausted.

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chapter nine: nauseated & exhausted.



I was walking down the street in the cold darkness with Johnny and Pony on my sides. We all decided to head to the lot to look at the stars. We got there and sat down against a big tree. There was a few seconds of silence until, "Man the stars sure are beautiful." Johnny said. "Yeah." Pony agreed. I turned my head around meeting his dark brown eyes, he looked so lost and sad but so sweet and innocent. He stared at me, looked at my lips, then eyes, then lips. He leaned in almost reaching for my lips nervously but he suddenly disappeared. "Johnny?.." I asked worried. "Johnny's gone, he's been gone." Pony said to you.

*end of dream* (your pov)*

Suddenly I felt someone shaking me and I opened my eyes slowly. I opened my eyes and rubbed them just to see Johnny standing next to my bed. His hair was all messed up and he looked adorable. "Good morning." He said messing my wavy h/c hair up. "Morning Johnnycakes." I smiled. "Your mom made some pancakes and waffles. Oh and coffee, your favorite." He winked. "Alright, i'll be down in a bit." I said getting up and patting his back. "Okayy." He said heading out of the room.

I headed into the bathroom. I took a 💩 because I drank a lot of water yesterday 🤷🏻‍♀️. I got done taking a 💩 and washed my hands. I pulled out my blue toothbrush and put toothpaste on it. As I was brushing my teeth I started thinking about the dream I had. Why did Johnny disappear ? Why did Pony say that he's was gone ? Why was he about to.. kiss me ?

I got done brushing my teeth and washing
my face. I patted my face dry and applied moisturizer. I tied up my long h/c hair and headed out. I could smell the coffee while I was heading downstairs, I saw Johnny and Tom talking to each other on the couch. And I heard my name. I crouched down, eavesdropping on them. "So do you like my sister?" Tom asked him. What the hell. "Yeah, I mean she's helped me a lot, she's a real friend." He replied. Awe that made feel happy and bubbly inside. "I mean.. more than a friend." Tom smirked. God i'm gonna kill him for that. "I-I u-um.. no..?" Johnny said nervously. I quietly walked upstairs and then back down to make it look like I wasn't there. "Good morning Tom." I said punching his shoulder signaling him to stop. "Morning lil sister." He smirked. I just rolled my eyes and headed to the kitchen and grabbed a cup of coffee. "Morning mom." I said hugging her. "Morning y/n." She said hugging me back. "Did you sleep well Johnny?" Mom asked. "Yes mam." He replied. I sat down on a stool and Johnny came & sat next to me. I sipped my coffee, closing my eyes feeling the steam coming onto my face. I felt a little sick, my nose was stuffy and my throat was hurting. "You okay?" Johnny said looking at me. "Sort of, I feel kinda sick." I said staring down at my coffee. He put his hand on my forehead, "You're burning." He said worried. "You got a fever y/n?" Mom asked. "Think so." I said sighing. "Come here." She said pulling out a thermometer. She put it in my mouth and a few seconds later she took it out, looking at it eyed wide. "What is it?" Johnny asked worried. "99." My mom replied. "Typical fever." I said. "Yeah." She replied. "So we doin anything today?" I asked Johnny. "I don't think we should if you're sick." He said. "I'm fine." I said. "You should rest though and drink lots of water so you'll heal faster." Johnny said smiling. I looked at him and smiled, then chuckled looking down. "Fine." You said giggling and then coughing. Great. "Jeez cover your mouth." Tom said slapping my shoulder. "Shut up crackhead." You said. He just laughed and so did Johnny. "Lets eat now, i'm hungry." I said.

We all finished our food and I went to wash the dishes. I got done washing the dishes and I suddenly heard the doorbell. Johnny walked to the door and opened it. The gang ran in, they all hugged me. "Y'all might not wanna do that." I said. "Why?" Two-bit asked. "I have a fever." I sighed. "Awe feel better." They all said. "Feel better kiddo." Dally said hugging me. "Thanks guys." I said smiling. I suddenly felt very hot. I also felt a little nauseous. I started feeling a bunch of knots in my stomach. "Oh god." I said. I ran to the bathroom and threw up into the toilet. Johnny came running in holding my hair back. And then my mom. Johnny starting patting on my back. "You'll be ok, you'll be ok." He said quietly. I stopped and got up, flushing the toilet. "Thanks Johnny." I said. "I feel exhausted i'm gonna clean my self up & head upstairs." I grumbled. "What's wrong?" Mom asked. "Nothing, just tired, probably because I'm burning." I replied. "Get some rest." The gang said. "I will." I said heading upstairs. "Bye guys." I said. "Bye y/n, feel better." They all said heading out. "Johnny wanna come? We're heading to Buck's." Soda asked. "Nah man. I'm gonna watch out for y/n." He replied. He was so caring about me and I appreciated it a lot. I love him. "Alright cya." They said. I continued walking upstairs and headed into the bathroom cleaning myself up. I was freezing now. I put my sweatshirt on and then crawled into bed grabbing my notebook & pen. As I got into bed I started burning up again. Fuck this, i'm just gonna take it off. I threw it on the floor and started writing in my diary. Yes I know, having a diary is cheesy but i'm not one of those girls who are like "dEaR diAY toDAy a rEAlLy cuTe bOy loOKeD aT mE tOdAY, I tHiNk I finALlY hAvE a boYfRIenD, yEEeeE." I'm more like, "Dear person reading this, today I held hands with my favorite boy. I felt a million fireworks going off in me,. He truly means a lot to me," etc etc. Anyways. I started writing in my "diary", "Dear person reading this,

            It is Sunday, August something, 1983. I had a bad dream, I woke up with a heartache and I was all sweaty.." I kept writing but I eventually drifted off to sleep.

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