Keeping My Secret [17]

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17. Keeping My Secret


We didn't talk much on the ride home.

When we pulled up in front of my house, it was around eight. My heart thundered in my chest in nervousness. Reality was slowly invading the bubble of euphoria I had been feeling since he kissed me in the water and now the guilt was returning, the reminder of the lies I had told pulsing fresh in my mind.

I felt Ryan's gaze on me but I avoided it.

"Are you okay?" He asked. His voice held a new tone of tenderness to it... towards me, I realized disbelievingly. Towards me.

I nodded but kept my eyes averted. "Yes... I'm fine."

He leaned over and touched my cheek lightly. "You sure?"

I glanced at him and I couldn't help smiling at the expression on his face. "I'm sure."

"Good... 'cause there's something I've been wanting to tell you."

I waited expectantly, gazing into his clear, blue eyes. He flushed a little and looked down.

"I, um... I think it's obvious that I like you more than a friend, Maureen," he said slowly.

My heart leapt to my throat. This was real, wasn't it? I wasn't dreaming, was I?

"Um, yeah... same," I said in a small voice. There. I said it.

He looked up, a sudden smile rendering me momentarily speechless, before a mischievous smirk took its place. "I know."

"What?" I said, confused.

"You told me last night, silly." he said; I could see how playful his eyes were, even in the darkness.

My skin prickled. "I ... said what?" I asked, trying to play off the sudden dread I felt.

"You told me you liked me and you asked me to marry you... you said I look like Tom Cruise." He grinned.

Oh, no...

He was serious.

"I... I didn't..."

"Oh, but you did..."

I moaned, covering my face with my hands, trying to hide the flush crawling up my throat over my face.

He laughed out loud and leaned over to kiss the top of my head. "Oh, Maureen..." he said, and he sounded so sweet and amused and kind all at once- I felt like wailing.

"I didn't really say that, did I?" I appealed to him forlornly, moving my hands. He bit his lip and it was obvious how hard he was trying not to laugh.

Then he sighed deeply as if he were about to reveal a deep secret. "Maureen... the truth is, you can't blame yourself. You were intoxicated by my presence and you just couldn't help it... really, don't blame yourself. I have that effect on people, I know..." He let out a deep breath: like it was a heavy burden to carry. I looked at him incredulously. He pursed his lips together, eyes twinkling.

"Cocky much?" I managed.

"Only since I found out that you liked me," he said smugly, and then bent his head to quickly peck my lips. Adrenaline rocketed through me. It was still such a new sensation. But I kept my expression hurt, earning a laugh, before covering my face again.

I felt his hands on mine as he gently pried them from my face. "Maureen... I feel the same way about you so why are you embarrassed?"


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