Chapter 1

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*Hi. Fair warning- The beginning of this story is very much cringe. I started it when I was 14 going on 15. I'm 25 now and way better at grammar and I am here to verify that younger me really should have edited before posting. I promise it gets better and you can see my growth as you continue reading. Enjoy the read and know, I know. I know the parts where you cringe so hard it looks like you ate a sour candy. Trust me, I don't even want to go back and edit because of how bad it is 😭 But you're in for a roller coaster. Have a good one! ❤️*

Camilas POV

"Get in the car loser were going shopping!" I shout out through the passanger seat window. Ally came running with a huge grin plastered on her face.

"Only if you promise to buy me everything I want!" she said sticking her head through the window. I placed my index finger to my lips and pretended to think about it.

"You know what you can walk home bitches!" I said trying to imitate Regina George from 'Mean Girls' while hiding the smile that was threatning to appear on my face.

She chuckled before saying "Why did you say bitches if it's just me?"

"Am I like invisible or something?" Alyssa said pretending to be hurt and putting her hand to her chest.

"Hey what about me? I know you can't miss this face." Dinah said while gesturing to her face.

"Yeah because it's so scary that no one can ignore it." Zendaya said which made everyone laugh except for Dinah.

"Zenny shut up! No one was even talking to you." Dinah replied while crossing her arms and pouted.

"Don't pout you look like a dog." Zendaya said causing Dinah to furrow her eyebrows together.

"What she means is you look like an adorable puppy." Alyssa said trying to comfort Dinah.

She just smiled and said "Well I am adorable."

"Ok conceded bitch don't get carried away." I said while unlocking the car door so Ally can get in.

As she got in she said "Ugh! I can't believe the first day of junior year starts tomorrow."

"Ugh! I know having to wake up early everyday until summer comes again!" Alyssa said while putting a sad face on.

"Having to do homework and being in class listening to nothing but pure BS!" Zendaya said while leaning her head on the window.

"But the worst part is having to see the Hot 5 for another year!" Dinah said making a disgusted face as she said 'Hot 5'.

We all just groaned. You see the 'Hot 5' is just a group of stupid girls who think they are hot stuff just because they wear leather jackets and push people around. I mean don't get me wrong my group pushes people around aswell but it's just annoying when the Hot 5 does it. People call my group the 'Fab 5'. We didn't come up with the name. The other people from our school just started calling us that since Freshman year. It eventually grew on us so we are now known as the Fab 5.

"I don't even know why they call them the 'Hot 5'. They should be called the '5 Bitches'." Dinah said while I started driving to the mall.

"Well you can't blame them for getting that name I mean they are hot." Alyssa replied. She immediately looked down to her lap because she knew she was about to get yelled at.

"Did you seriously just say that Alyssa!" Ally said while turning to look at her.

"What the fuck is wrong with you Alyssa? How could you say that about our rivals? You're fucken stupid." Zendaya said while glaring at her.

"I swear Alyssa I sometimes think there is something wrong with you." Dinah said while turning her head to face out the window. I was about to give her a piece of my mind until I looked into the rearview mirror. She was on the verge of crying. I knew that she regretted what she said. I saw she was fidgeting with her fingers trying to distract herself.

"You know I kind of have to agree with Alybear. The Hot 5 are hot but........ I still hate them. Especially Lauren." Well that sure as hell got their attention. They looked at me with shocked expressions. I looked at Alyssa through the mirror and noticed a few tears falling from her eyes.

"I never said I liked them I just said their hot. I still hate them. All of them." Alyssa said while locking eyes with me. I just smiled at her and faced the road again.

"Just don't cry anymore Alybear." I told her.

"Alybear I'm sorry I didn't mean what I said ok." Zendaya said while giving her a hug.

"Yeah Alyssa were sorry. You know we all fucking love you." Dinah said while giving her a hug aswell.

"Amen to that!" Ally shouted while pretending to bow down. We all chuckled at her weirdness.

"I honestly just hope I don't have to sit next to any of them for my classes." Dinah said.

"I just hope they don't start shit with us again." Zendaya replied.

"They started shit with us since Freshman year so nothing is going to change this year." I said. "Let's change the subject I don't want to spend my last summer day thinking about those bitches."

"Lets listen to some music." Alyssa suggested. Ally reached over and turned on the radio. She turned it up when she heard the introduction of 'Best song Ever' by One Direction. I turned to look at the girls and squeled. We all smiled and started shouting out the lyrics. After screaming a few more songs we arrived at the mall. After I parked we walked around for hours just buying useless things and eating food. We were walking through a part of the mall that seemed deserted with the exception of a few people when I noticed a store that got my attention. I dragged the girls inside with me. As the girls were looking at the shirts I was looking at a man who was working with a big machine. I walked up to him.

"Ummm excuse me sir what are you doing?" I asked as he turne to face me.

"I am ironing a design onto this shirt for a customer." He said raising the iron offa of a shirt. I saw that he was ironing 'I Love You' onto it. " You see we make custom made designs onto shirts. You can get any design you want and we iron it onto the clothing." With that being said an idea popped into my head.

"Can you do designs for jackets or sweaters?" I asked hoping for a yes.

"Yes we can do it on any type of clothing." He said getting back to his task.

I walked over to the girls who were trying on sunglasses.

"Girls I have an idea." I said with a huge smile.

"Is it going to kill me?" Dinah asked while narrowing her eyes at me.

"No but it might kill the Hot 5." I said.

"Well then I am all in." Zendaya said while placing the glasses back to its original spot.

"What is it Mila?" Ally asked.

"Well as you know everyone at school knows us as the Fab 5." I said and they all nodded. "Well there are 5 girls who don't seem to realize that we run the school."

"Yeah we know so what's your point?' Alyssa asked me.

"I was just thinking that we should make it visible about who we are." I said while pointing to the machine. They all turned their heads and looked at me again. "I mean it's one thing to walk around with matching sweaters, but it's another thing when the sweaters show who we are." I said with a smirk. They looked at me with big smiles on their faces and we headed towards the man with the machine.

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