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You can feel the anger course through you as you glare up at Young K, dangerously close to boiling point. But before you can completely fly off the handle, a slim, dark-haired figure suddenly rushes in. Young K loosens his grip before his hand falls away, as Wonpil rests a hand on each of your shoulders. Standing between you, he gently increases the distance between you and Young K.

"Woah, guys calm down. What's going on here?" he says calmly, taking in both of your angry expressions.

"This girl just snuck backstage and tried to snap a picture of DoWoon while he was changing," Young K explodes, angrily. You simply snort and roll your eyes indignantly as Wonpil's eyes widen before knitting his brows together in confusion.

Turning to face you fully, he gives you a questioning look.

"Did you take a picture of DoWoon...naked?" he asks dubiously, hesitating over the last word.

"What? No!" you exclaim exasperated. "I just came to visit you backstage, like we agreed. I saw the sign and came in. I didn't know he was in there changing! I was as shocked as he was when I realized he didn't have a shirt on."

"So you took a picture of him shirtless?" Wonpil says slowly, still looking slightly confused.

Sighing in frustration, you snatch your phone out of Young K's hand, unlocking it quickly so you can access your photos.

"No, I didn't. My phone was in my bag. I wasn't even using it," you retort, glancing at Young K meaningfully. You scroll to your photo album, shaking the screen in his face angrily.

"See, there are no pictures of DoWoon on here. Satisfied?" You turn back to Wonpil.

"Mr. Narcissist over there just jumped to conclusions, even though I told him you were the one who invited me. Because clearly someone like you couldn't possibly be friends with someone like me," you say pointedly, satisfied to see Young K finally drop his gaze in acknowledgment.

You can see Wonpil put all the pieces together quickly before he breaks into his familiar grin, turning back to Young K calmly.

"Okay, look, it sounds like this was all just a big misunderstanding. This is one of my best friends. I've known her since the seventh grade. I invited her here," he says gesturing to you, before turning back to Young K, "and, this is my bandmate, Young K," he introduces, trying to ease the tension in the air.

Young K, clears his throat, scratching the back of his neck uncomfortably while you cross your arms and glare at him. If looks could kill, you're pretty sure yours would murder this guy on the spot.

"Don't take it personally," Wonpil gives you a pleading look. "I hate to say it, but, sometimes we have trouble with 'over-enthusiastic fans'," Wonpil puts it politely, "and we're all a bit over-protective when it comes to DoWoonie. So, let's just forget about this and start over again, yeah?"

Wonpil looks hopeful as he glances back and forth between you and Young K, gauging your expressions.

You scoff and look away, your elevated heart rate still pounding in your ears. That jerk put his hands all over you, made you out to be some kind of pervert, and he hasn't even apologized for the red marks blooming on your wrist where he grabbed it. Rubbing the tender skin, you glance back at Wonpil grumpily. He cocks his head to the side, giving you his best impression of puppy eyes. As you stare at him, against your will, you feel your face break into a reluctant grin. You can never stay serious when he pulls those antics.


Returning your gaze to Young K, your expression becomes uncertain as you raise your eyebrows at him questioningly. For the skip of a heartbeat everything is silent, and then he breaks into a sheepish grin, extending a hand towards you.

Exactly As It Sounds • Young K • Day6Where stories live. Discover now