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It's not easy to avoid someone when you're required to do their make-up daily. But even if you had to see Kang Younghyun, you certainly didn't have to be friendly. After the bathroom incident, and the residual teasing, you'd decided that when it came to Young K you weren't going to talk to him any more than you needed to, and even then it was only in a distant, professional kind of way.

You weren't necessarily the type to hold grudges, but when added to the fact that you were still a little insecure and uncomfortable in your new work environment, topped by the fact that he had hurt your pride, getting over it wasn't that simple.

It was early in the morning when you found yourself with the rest of the team, scurrying around frantically trying to get Day6 ready for their schedule that day. They had been invited last minute to do a live performance at a popular broadcast studio, and suddenly you were expected to pull from memory all of the techniques you had spent the better part of a week memorizing.

The senior artist on your team, usually chill and organized, just happens to be in a bad mood this particular morning. She'd dropped a bottle of La Mer foundation, and, at $120.00 a bottle, the mistake wasn't exactly cheap. And to make matters worse, you were all running behind schedule.

"Chaerin, I need you to go out to the van. I left the bag of back-up in there by accident," she directs, tossing you the car keys.

Catching them in mid-air, you stuff them in your pocket and jog towards the rear exit of the building. It doesn't take long for you to find the bag amidst the cables and other equipment, and with less than five minutes down, you're sprinting back towards the dressing room.

As soon as you enter, you notice that if things where chaotic before, the tension in the room seems to have doubled in your absence.

"Hae Young, what's up?" you whisper, lightly nudging the senior stylist you met in the break room your first day.

"The producers just came in. They're moving the recording up by 30 minutes," she says grimacing. "Eonnie's pissed," she adds lowering her voice.

Assessing the room for what needs to be done, you spy DoWoon sitting in front of a mirror, his face still bare. As you make your way towards him, one of the senior hairstylists catches your attention.

"Chaerin, can I cut in? Everyone else is busy, and if I don't get started we're not going to make it in time."

"Sure," you shrug as he throws you a relived smile before mouthing "thank you" followed by an air kiss.

Turning around, you begin to scan the room again when another voice calls your attention—your team lead.

"Chaerin, I need you to work on Younghyun's base," she calls. "And hurry!"

Groaning inwardly you locate Young K sitting in a chair, his eyes closed, face relaxed, a pair of headphones over his ears.

You walk over to him and tilt his chin up swiftly so you can get a better look at what you're about to work with. His eyes immediately fly open.

"Jeez—you scared me!" he exclaims, almost jumping out of his seat.

"Well, that's what you get for not paying attention," you reply sassily. "Okay, looks like the prep work is done. I'm just going to prime you and then I'll lay the base," you add.

Since you've been avoiding him lately, you can't quite remember which primer you're supposed to use.

Was it the water spray or the silicone base?

Exactly As It Sounds • Young K • Day6Where stories live. Discover now