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Chapter 7

A/N: Finally a new chapter!

On your way to the elevator, you toss the ginseng into the trash. As the elevator doors open, you turn towards the menu of numbers, punching the button angrily.

How could he actually go to the Director and ask for you to be fired?

You could understand him being upset, or even being cold or indifferent. You wouldn't even complain if he refused to let you ever do his make up again.

But fired?

Didn't he know that once you were blacklisted by a company like JYP you would never find a job in this industry again?

You stay until midnight, organizing the makeup kits, filling out order forms and doing inventory, but you don't feel tired at all. Your anger, mixed with apprehension, fuels you through the mundane chores.

At 12:20 am, just as you've gathered your things to finally leave, you hear a knock on the women's locker room door. Stepping out you find the Director of Performance Arts, accompanied by Bora, the makeup team lead. Her face is stoic, her expression neutral.

Steeling yourself for their decision, you take a deep breath to calm yourself, gripping your bag tightly.

"After careful consideration of the incident at the broadcast this morning, we've decided to give you another chance to continue with our company," the man in the gray suit says matter-of-factly.

"But I hope you will reflect seriously on your actions so that a similar occurrence will not be repeated in the future."

Looking up in shock, you can barely keep your jaw from dropping open. Glancing over at Bora uncertainly, you see that behind her typical seriousness she's sporting the barest hint of a grin. Raising her eyebrows at you meaningfully, she jerks her head towards her companion, signaling you to express your appreciation properly.

Springing to action, you lean forward, bowing 90 degrees.

"Thank you," you reply gratefully, eyes lowered to the ground in respect. "You won't be disappointed."

Later, as you walk the last block to your apartment, you find yourself humming for the first time since you've come back to Korea. It's one of Day6's songs.

"Should I just give up? I thought about it with eyes wide open every night..."


Younghyun straightened his back and squared his shoulders as he clasped his hands loosely in front of himself. Right now he needed to look confident without coming off as disrespectful. It was a delicate balance.

The man across the table studies him silently, bringing the tips of his fingers together before releasing a sigh.

"I have to admit, I'm surprised," the Director says seriously. "This is out of character for you Younghyun. You're not the type to get mixed up in other people's business."

It was a statement, but Young K recognized the question behind his senior's words. Eyes lowered respectfully towards the ground, he quietly nods his head.

"Yes sir."

"Hmm," the Director murmurs, considering. "You're taking a big risk. You're sure of your decision? I can't change your mind?"

"With all due respect, I'm sure. This is what I want," Young K responds firmly.

The director sighs again, leaning back, but his expression is relenting, and Younghyun has to suppress a triumphant grin.

Exactly As It Sounds • Young K • Day6Where stories live. Discover now