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Daniel : wakey wakey eggs and bakey
Tegan : what I'm tired and don't great

I pull the covers my face
And he pulls them off

Daniel : u can just get up and see how u feel
Tegan : fine

I get out of bed grabbing my phone and going to the bathroom doing my stuff and coming out and sit on the sofa rapping myself up in the blanket and laying down

Daniel : have some breakfast it might make u better
Tegan: no if I eat I'll be sick
Daniel : come on
Tegan : fine

I get off the sofa sitting on the stalls by the sides with my breakfast in front of me i push it to the side and lay my head down

Daniel : look at me
Tegan : why I just want to sleep
Daniel : can u just look at me

I look up at him

Daniel : your shaking and look pale
Tegann: well I'm cold and I really don't feel good so I'm gonna go to bed
Daniel : do u need anyone I can get my private doctor to have a look at u
Tegan : no it's fine it will pass I'm sure
Daniel : ok

I get off the stalls and walk to my room and get under the covers and fall asleep sritght away

Daniel : u gonna wake up
Tegan : mhh 
Daniel : come on
Tegan : why
Daniel : I'm taking u to the doctors
Tegan : why
Daniel : ;because you've been asleep the whole day your really hot and your shaking
Tegan : fine

I get out of bed put jogging bottoms and top and a jumper

We get in his car and drive to the hospital and see it's 5 and we pull up

Daniel : come on
Tegan : k

We walk in and then Daniels doctor comes and gets us and then we walk to a room

Milo: so Daniel said u haven't felt well the past couple days what have u felt
Tegan : idk I feel pain every Where and I'm cold and got a headache
Daniel : and she's been asleep the whole day
Milo: and what is the pain
Tegan : like numb everywhere but it hurts
Milo: ok how about we book u into a scan
Tegan : ok

He books me into scan I get ready and go in and wait 30 minutes and then I'm done and get changed again and sit down

Milo : there's nothing in your scan I just think the pain is the lead up to u being like this
Tegan : ok I told u I was fine and I didn't need to see anyone
Daniel : I wanted to double cheak your ok
Milo: u were just worried it's fine but I can go now
Daniel : thanks
Tegan ; thank u

We walk back to his car and drive back

Tegan : I'm going back to bed
Daniel : ok sleep well
Tegan : Yh I will  trust me I'm tired

I don't care if I'm still in my clothes I get in bed and fall stright asleep again

Next morning

I wake up still not feeling well but I need to stay up today I walk to the kitchen and make coffee I sit on the sofa and go on my phone for a bit until Daniel comes throw

Daniel: how do feel today
Tegan : still not good but I can't sleep all day
Daniel : well u can
Tegan : but i don't want to
Daniel : ok are u still cold
Tegan : frezzing
Daniel : poor u
Tegan : I know but oh well I'll keep myself rapped up all day
Daniel : u do that

Daniel: do u want breakfast
Tegan : no thanks
Daniel : u haven't eaten in days u need to
Tegan : I know but I can't Dani
Daniel : no wonder u keep shaking u need to and if u don't eat tomrrow then I'm taking u back to the hospital
Tegan : alright dad but if I eat and I'm sick I'm blaming u
Daniel : ok

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