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I wake up the next morning next to Daniel I cheak the time 5am great o get out of bed go to the bathroom do my stuff and walk out go to the kitchen make myself coffee and sit down on the sofa and go on my phone for ages just watching or readying things on my feed until it comes to 6 I get changed into normal clothes leaving a note on the side tell Daniel I'm going on a walk I leave the complex and go for a walk around for ages I walk and walk until 10 and then I deside to go see Kayla Tristan and Kai because I'm not that far I then knock on the door and Tristan answers

Tegan. : hi
Tristan : hello tesals comes in
Tegan : thank u

I walk and sit on the sofa and fall with Tristan

Tegan : can i tell u something
Tristan : go ahead
Tegan : so recently me and Daniel keep getting in fights I'm fine with it and then we make up but I don't know how much longer I can go around acting all happy around him and his family but when I'm alone I feel sad and empty I don't how much longer I can deal with it
Tristan: is it because we're all back in your life so quickly
Tegan : idk it's since I've lost gabe and your all around I spent 5 mouths on my own and I liked it I had my own space and I can deal with problems on my own but now everyone's around and trying to get me back to normal but I changed
Tristan : it's normal to change it's apart of life but feeling lost and sad isent
Tegan: I know but I just want to go back to the ways they were
Tristan : and what's that being on your own or before u found out u were pregante
Tegan.: when I was on my own but I know I'll miss everyone to much to do that but I just feel suffocated when I'm around everyone and then they say I hear what happend are u ok about gabe
Tristan : I know
Tegan: idk what to do . Do i stay or go back and be on my own
Tristan : u will never be on your own again that's the thing
Tegan: I know
Tristan: what are u gonna do
Tegan : idk but can I stay here a couple nights until I've made my mind up
Tristan : of course what mine is yours
Tegan : thank u
Trsitan : do u wanna grab your stuff from Daniels
Tegan : ok
Tristan : come on tesals

We get in his car and drive to the complex and go up to Daniels and see him on the sofa

Daniel : oh hey
Tegan : hi can I talk to u for a sec
Daniel : sure
Tegan : go down the hall turn left and can u start
Tristan : sure

He leaves us

Daniel : what's happening
Tegan : I'm gonna stay with Trsitan Kayla and Kai for a bit
Daniel : what why
Tegan : I need to catch up with them so I'm staying a couple days
Daniel : your lying to me I can tell what happend
Tegan. : nothing I swear I'm just gonna stay with them a couple days that's it
Daniel : why are u lying
Tegan : I'm not I swear Dani
Daniel : what ever go
Tegan : I will just let me pack

I walk to the bathroom grab my stuff and then walk back to my room and put it in my suitcase and grab a load of other stuff in my draws

Tegan : don't worry about putting it in nicely just put it in there I wanna go
Tristan : ok

We pack the rest of my stuff and we walk out of there and I know I've got a bit of stuff in Daniels room so I knock on the door and wait for Daniel to open up

Tegan: just grabbing my jumpers
Daniel : ok

I grab my stuff and walk out

Tegan : let's go
Daniel : wait
Tegan : what u told me to go
Daniel : tell me why your leaving
Tegan.: I said because I'm catching up with everyone
Daniel : and I know your lying but last night I thought we were good
Tegan : and we are I'm just catching up with everyone aren't I Trsitan
Trsitan : Yh that's all were doing is catching up and having a sleep over
Daniel : ok
Tegan : please rember I love u
Daniel : I will see u later
Tegan.: Yh

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