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I wake up the next morning feeling like shit and not wanting to get out of bed but I do and go down stairs and see Jonah and Zoe awake and I joing them in the front room and steal Jonah's coffee and have a couple sips

Jonah : This again
Tegan: just having a couple sips

I hand it back to him

Zoe: how did u sleep
Tegan: alright how did u guys
Jonah : ok just worried about evey thing that happend last night
Zoe: same
Tegan : I can't believe he showed up at the house and broke in just because of me
Jonah : I know but aleast he locked up till court
Tegan: mhh
Zoe: well should we have breakfast
Jonah : yes starving
Zoe: let's go then

We head to the kitchen and we all make pancakes and we eat and then clean every thing up acting as last night didn't scare me

Zoe: how come it's always us up and them asleep there lazy
Tegan: I know and Alfie is always in his vlogs being like he wakes up
Zoe: well since he stopped vlogging because of me being pregante he's taking this as way he can sleep all day
Jonah : Daniels never been this lazy before
Zoe: and Joe's normally up early but he's been lazy aswell
Tegan: yh We can agree there all lazy exspet up
Jonah : agree
Zpe: let's wake them I wake Alfie t u wake Joe and Jonah u wake Daniel up
Tegan : ok well let's make this more fun and tip water on them
Jonah : yes

We all get classes and fill them up with water and we all head up and go to the rooms I walk into Joe's room quietly and make my way to his bed

And poor all the water on him

Joe: uhhh what the fuck
Tegan: that's what u get lazy ass
Joe: shut up why was that warm

I tease him a bit

Tegan: nalas pee
Joe: no it wasent please tell me your joking
Tegan: I can't lie to u it was nalas pee
Joe: fuck u
Tegan: thanks but it was only water and I guess it was warm
Joe: thank the fucking Lord
Tegan : k well get up
Joe: ok get out
Tegan: I will bye

I walk and go to my room and see Jonah laughing and Daniel

Tegan : woah u look like mope
Daniel : thanks
Jonah : how was Joe
Tegan: I told him it was nalas pee because it was warm
Jonah : haha no u didn't
Tegan : I did he believed me and then I told him it wasent
Jonah : haha but Daniel here tried hitting me because he was having a good dream
Tegan : wow what was your dream
Daniel : not gonna repeat
Jonah : ok akward I'll see u in a bit because I know what that means

He walks out

Tegan : so what was your dream u can tell me
Daniel : rather not
Tegan: why not a wet dream were u having
Daniel : no

He jumps and tackles me to the bed

Daniel: sorry

He gets off me

Tegan : don't touch me again

I walk down stairs and join everyone in the kitchen and Joe and Alfie are eating and then Daniel comes down and sits down and they eat and talk

Daniel : can i talk to u
Tegan: mhh

We walk to the hall way bit

Daniel : what happend because one minute your fine with me and then I try cuddling u and u freaked out
Tegan : don't worry about it
Daniel : I am because u won't cuddle me or let anyone touch u what happend because u would just hug us out of so where and that dosent happen anymore
Tegan : I know

Then my phone goes off

Tegan : I'll be right back

I answer the phone

Oliver : we want u to come down to the hospital
Tegan: why
Oliver : we want to do a couple testes on u and to cheak up on u
Tegan : ok do u want me there now
Oliver : if u could
Tegan : sure I'll get dressed and then head down there
Oliver : ok see u in a bit

I walk back to Daniel

Tegan : I'm going out in a sec just gonna get dressed
Daniel : ok where are u going
Tegan : check on... Amy
Daniel : ok

I walk up stairs get changed walk down and head to the hospital I walk just to clear my head a bit but I need to call someone I need to tell someone  I know but I can't tell anyone because I don't have a phone

After ages of walking I finally pull up at the hospital and get taken to a room

Oliver : how are u feeling
Tegan: scared I don't know who I can trust mean I keep freaking out in my kinda boyfriend when he tries to cuddle me or my friends when they touch me
Oliver : ok so your not coping
Tegan : no I'm not and I keep having panick attacks
Ovilver : what medaction are u ok
Tegan : anxiety and depression
Oliver : I've got some stuff that can either calm u down or make u quite mad it depends on the person
Tegan : ok
Oliver : I'll set u up with that and we need another blood test and your wee
Tegan : ok
Oliver : ok u go do your stuff in that bathroom and then were send someone to get your blood
Tegan : ok

I walk to the bathroom do my stuff and send it throw and then head back to the room and then a nurse takes my blood and leaves  after and while Oliver comes back in

Oliver : it turns out that the morning after pill didn't work or someone gave me the wrong thing
Tegan : what do u mean please tell me I'm not having a rapist baby
Oliver : I'm so sorry
Tegan :NO
Oliver : we can talk about options
Tegan : I've always thought abortion was horrible but I've already lost a baby this year and now I'm having anutter baby but not with a person I like
Oliver : I'm sorry
Tegan: this can't be happening
Oliver : do  need anything
Tegan : no I'm going

I walk out the room and out the hospital And run home it took ages but I got there and run throw the door and break down I run to Daniel and hug him

Tegan : I'm so sorry
Daniel : woah what happend
Tegan : I need to tell u guys evey thing and I'm just so sorry I didn't tell u

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