Am I Not Allowed To Commit Mistakes?

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Hello Twerky buddies! This will be the very first na gagawa ako ng story. Kindly visit my profile and try reading "BROKE HIS BONES". Well, it's just a short story. I just wanted to try other genres as well. Baka nauumay na kasi kayo na puro lang poems yung nababasa nyo sa account na to. Please support this story as well. Thank you in advance guys! <3

Am I Not Allowed To Commit Mistakes?
By: Momo

We dream for appreciation
For your attention
Yes you noticed me
But in what mistake will it be?

Frustrated and pressured
We are pressured by the world
Not all the time we success
Even when we do our very best

We do study hard
You know it cause you're on guard
I'm trying to learn
But judgement is what I earned

I should do the right thing
Sometimes I forget that I should be thinking
I forget myself
For the sake of others

I'm scared to be judged
So harder than my best I push
But in end of the journey
Judgments are always beside me

Am I not allowed to commit a mistake?
I do my best, it take what it takes
Put this mascara off of my face
And this pressure, be erased

Poems and Declamation PiecesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon