Jotaro x Fem! Reader ~ Crybaby

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The large brute of a man sighed deeply. He rested his face in his palm, as he reflected on the events that had just happened. His ocean eyes turned stormy, as waves crashed down on his cheeks.


He knew it was wrong, what He was doing, betraying His best friend and the love of His life with one stupid decision. He knew it was wrong, but what could He do, now that He was voraciously kissing another girl. He knew it was wrong.

He knew it was wrong from the moment He first heard the girl below Him moan quietly, but there was no stopping Him now. What's done is done and He can't change it, He can only hope His girlfriend will forgive Him.

The day He told Her what He did, He knew it was wrong. He admitted that much to Her. She asked Him why, and for that, He had no answer. Tears streamed down Her cheeks, Her (E/C) eyes burning with anger, and seeping with sadness. She asked Him if it was worth it, and He admitted it was not. He couldn't change it, not now, not ever. Whats done is done.

Out of sheer rage She threw all of His things outside, as She screamed furiously. She never wanted to see Him again, She repeated over and over. He knew it was wrong, why didn't She understand that? Maybe asking for Her forgiveness was too much. Maybe He should have just kept it all a secret. That would make matters worse, wouldn't it? But whats done is done and He knew it was wrong.


His Mercedes was packed with His clothes, or what little He could pick up before She started throwing plates and pans and other cooking utensils at Him. He let out another sigh. He needed to go to the only place that would accept Him still, while He got back on His feet from the breakup. His mother's house. She lived an hour away from where He lived with His now ex-girlfriend. He regretted cheating, and would do anything to make it up to His love, however She wouldn't have Him.

He let out an exasperated sigh and started up the car. As He got on the highway, which was a near straitshot to his mothers house, He began weeping. The fact that He had lost nearly everything finally set in.

It was late now, and the streetlights illuminated the dark road he was taking. He thought of (Y/N), and realized She was the one thing that made everything brighter. He felt a strange admiration for the lights and the highway.


He arrived at His mothers house, and skulked His way to the door, and knocked lightly before calling out to His mother. She knew nothing about the breakup. He sighed as His mother had made her way to the door with a cheerful smile on her face. "Jotaro! What a pleasant surprise! Where's (Y/N)?" She asked, before He explained they had broken up. She hugged her son, and led Him to his old room which seemed to barley have been touched. He sighed as He pulled His futon from where it usually sat, and He laid back on it. His eyes were stormy, His cheeks were pink. He knew it was wrong, all of it.


Later that night, He sat up. He couldn't sleep. Hurting his girlfriend was the last thing he wanted, yet thats exactly what He did. He wanted to take it back. He knew He never could.


Years later, His good friend Koichi, His Uncle Josuke and their friend Okuyaso invited Him to come out to drink with them. He agreed. They went to a local club, known for one night stands. He knew their intentions and sighed, knowing He would never find a girl quite like (Y/N). The three younger men dragged Him to the dance floor, where a familiar looking girl was dancing. She was laughing, smiling. She looked like She was having a great time. She didn't notice Him. He rubbed His temple, as a slow song began to play. No doubt the work of Josuke. The crowd dispersed aside from a few couples which swayed to the slow beat. The girl was no longer in the crowd. His eyes scanned the group of people which lined the walls and crowded the bar. He spotted Her once more. Taking a sharp breath, He walked over and tapped Her shoulder. She turned, and Her smile turned to a frown as She was met with a blank expression. "Would you like to dance?" He asked, holding out His hand. "For old times sake." He clarified. She smiled warmly and took his hand. "So, you here with a girl or something?" She asked, looking around the crowd. "No, you?" She blinked. "Well, yeah. Several actually." She giggled. His eyes were stormy once more, oh how He missed Her laugh. "But I'm not here with anyone, no."

Tears welled in His eyes, threatening to spill over. "I'm sorry." He finally said. She smiled sadly at Him. "Me too."

He closed His eyes, to calm Himself, before a pair of soft lips met His. He opened them seeing the love of His life kiss Him. He pulled Her close and kissed back, tears spilling from both of their eyes.

The song ended, but He still held Her close, promising himself to never let Her go again.

{911 words}

This was super fun to write and i even teared up a bit.

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