Mikitaka x Fem! Reader ~ Baby, It's Cold Outside

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Clear crystalline frost caked the windows of your shared apartment, as white flakes danced in the wind before resting on the hard ground. It was the first snow in years, and needless to say, you were excited. Like a kid looking into a toy stores window, you had your palms pressed against the glass, a large grin plastered on your face. You giggled with joy, and bounced on your heels. "(Y/N), what are you doing?" A soothing voice asked, "Look, it's snowing!" You cheered with glee, as you pointed out the window at the icey flakes swirling in the wind. The blonde male approached the window, a perplexed expression donned his face. "What is it?" He asked, as he placed his hand on the window next to yours. "Well, it's kinda like rain, but not. Its a type of precipitation." you explained. "Precipitation...?" He asked, as he tossed the word around in his mind. You nodded, and pulled your hand away from the window and turned around to face the incredibly close alien. You grabbed his free hand and held it to your chest, a broad grin on your face.

"C'mon, theres something we gotta do since it's snowing!" You said, before dragging him to your bedroom. You shoved him onto the bed before you began rummaging in your closet, and found several jackets, hoodies and sweatshirts. You threw a couple of sweatshirts and hoodies at Mikitaka, and told him to put them on, as you did the same. Once finished you led the alien to the door, and opened it slightly, letting cool air into your apartment. He shivered. "(Y/N), what are we doing?" He asked, as he tilted his head slightly.

You opened the door fully, and grabbed his hand running out into the weather. Mikitaka looked up at the clouds, as he placed a finger on his chin. With his attention elsewhere, you took it upon yourself to show the male what earth was really like in the winter. You grabbed a chunck of snow from the ground and rolled it into a firm ball, as you packed it tightly. "Psst, hey Miki~" You said in a singsong voice. He turned his head towards you, as you tossed the ball of snow at him. It hit the center of his chest and exploded into smaller chunks, as they fell to the ground. Mikitaka's eyes lit up as he grabbed some snow and began rolling it into balls.

A short snowball fight broke out between the two of you as you laughed and joked about who would beat who. Moments later, however, your hands began to ache from the lack of proper protection from the snow. The male noticed and approached you before wrapping your hands in his and planting warm kisses on each finger tip. Your face flushed a deep crimson, as a small smile spread on your face.

"C'mon, lets go inside. I'm freezing." You said, as your shoved your icey fingers in your pockets. The male's eyes widened, as he scooped you into a large hug before wrapping you in all of his jackets. "Miki... I'm not actually freezing." You said, as the male let out huffs of air around you to warm you. "But you need to stay wa-"

A chaste peck on his lips made him forget what he was saying. "C'mon, lets go inside, I think we should just enjoy some cuddles right now." You said, as you pulled the male back to your apartment.

{585 words}

oof mikitaka is an underrated character and deserves love as well. also i thought itd be cute to have him experience snow for the "first" time. (also he still confuses me, like is he an alien or no?)

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