Chapter Two: feelings..

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~a month later~

Max's POV

I was walking around an abandoned neighborhood and I noticed it started to rain. Well shit. I was perfectly fine until it started to rain. It wasn't regular rain.. No. It was fucking sleeting. I hate it when I have a perfectly fine day and then it either starts to rain or it snows. I leave the neighborhood and walks up to the school. I see Neil talking to Harrison and I suddenly felt.. Angry. Which is weird considering that I'm always pissed off but this time.. It was different. Way different.. It didn't feel like anger, it felt like jealousy. I don't know why though. I felt weird afterwards. I stood there, watching them two from a distance. Neil happened to notice me but I didn't notice that he noticed me standing there so. What the hell. I was lost deep in thought but was snapped out of it from Neil hugging me. And once he hugged me, I wasn't jealous anymore.. The fuck

Neil's POV

I was arguing with Harrison about his dumb illusions when I noticed Max standing by a car, just staring at us. He looked tRigGerEd but hurt at the same time. I admit. I do like him more than a friend but I wondered if he was jealous or if he was just being himself and looking at random people and just laugh with nikki. But nikki wasn't with him so I just assumed. I went up to him and wrapped him in my arms. Still wondering what he was doing. "What's wrong Maxie?" I asked.  He looked up at me, still looking like he was hurt. He tried looking away. I could see his eyes get watery, he was upset. He was glaring but still was tearing up, he tried to look away. I grabbed his chin, making him look at me "what's wrong?" I asked again. He shook his head, saying it was nothing "tell me.. " I said. He shook his head again and looked down. it might just be something with his parents.. I wiped his tears away and hugged him. He buried his face in my chest and hugged me back tightly. I could feel and hear him breathing heavily, I wanted to know what was making him upset so I could try to comfort him... I didn't want to keep asking him though. If I did, I felt like he would get mad or more upset than before. I was still hugging him and I noticed he started to shake. He was cold. It was sleeting outside and we were still out here. I put his hood on his head and he held on to me. I tried letting go but he didn't want to let go of me, which I didn't mind. He was still crying a little and shaking. I took him to my house. Nikki and Ered tagged along. They just wanted to get out of school and I don't blame them for it. We made it to my house and we all four just chilled in my room. Nikki was watching Tokyo Ghoul, Ered was trying to put her left back wheel on her skateboard, I was sitting on my bed, and Max was sitting at the desk I had, with his head down. Harrison showed up out of nowhere and Max flipped out and had scooted away to the corner of the room. Was it something Harrison did? Or was it something I did? It didn't seem like he was upset about his parents. I got worried and took him to the living room where it was just me and Max downstairs. He was resting his head on his hand. He was still tearing up from time to time. It had to to be something I did.. He wasn't like this a month ago.. And it happened so suddenly. I hate seeing down like this... It bothers me knowing that I don't know what's wrong with him... I pulled him so he could be next to me but he didn't budge. He didn't wanna move to me so I moved to him instead. I had hugged him and he hugged me back but tightly. It was just like at the school, he didn't want to let go of me. It came to the point where he cuddled me instead. He was upset, I kept him do whatever he needed or wanted. And I told him that too. He just nodded and cuddled me. I started thinking about my crush on him. Its been a month and he would let me kiss him but we haven't had a actual kiss on the lips though. It made me wonder when would be the time to admit it to him.. He had kept holding onto me until he finally said something after an hour of silence from him. "I love you.. Neil" I looked down at him, blushing a little. "Like more than a friend?" I felt like an idiot for asking him "yes you dumbass" he said, wrapping his arms around me. I felt happy and relieved.. I was going to hug to hug him but I ended up kissing him on accident. I have never been so scared in my fucking life.. I started to shake a little bit and Max looked up at me. I was nervous, I thought he would hit me or something. I looked at him "I'm s-sor-" I was cut off by him smashing his lips into mine. My face was dark crimson red and I tried to hide it but Max didn't let me. The others were taking pictures and giggling but Max didn't seem to care this time. I ended up kissing him back and I could feel him smile against my lips

Max's POV

I smiled, knowing Neil felt the same way. I saw the others taking pictures but I didn't want to get up and chase them. I was too comfortable to leave. I started to deepen the kiss a little and I could tell Neil enjoyed it. He started to tug at the bottom of my hoodie, symboling me that he wanted me to take it off, I smirked and didn't move. Neil broke the kiss, "cmon pleaseee?" He begged "why?" I asked, smiling at him and his face turned red again. He went silent and I ended up taking it off, leaving me in my yellow shirt. I put both of my hands on his face and kissed him again he kissed back quickly. After a little while, we both broke the kiss, to get air. He was still blushing and I cuddled him more "tell Harrison I said to watch himself" "so you were jealous. Is that why you were upset?" Neil asked smirking at me. I went silent again ".... " Neil laughed and hugged me. "Don't think I didn't notice Maxie. Is that why you were crying earlier? Because you were jealous of me and Harrison arguing?" "Wait.. Y'all were arguing..??" "Yeah. Why would we ever talk?" I sat there in silence, embarrassed "I can't believe y'all were arguing" I said. Neil just laughed again and pulled me close. "I love you, you know that right?" "I do now. I love you too nerd" I smirked. Neil ruffled his hand through my hair and kissed me one more time. All I remember was falling asleep and him telling me the next morning that I purr in my sleep and he thought it was cute. I then punched him.

A/N: hewo. I was bored and had writers block so I just did this. There will be a lemon in one of the chapters because why not. My hands hurt now but I hope you guys enjoyed chapter two 💙💛

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