Chapter Six: Why Not Just Fuck Already?

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Nikki's POV

I was wandering around the high school, thinking, 'when is they gonna fuck?' I asked myself. I look around and saw a raven haired boy. I smirked evily, now knowing what my plan was. I skipped over to him "heeyyy Maaaxxx" "no. I'm not letting you borrow my hoodie for your wolves again" "I wasn't gonna. But I needa ask you something" Max looked at me and raised a brow. "What now?" "Hehe. What would you do if I stuffed you and Neil in a closet?" I asked, smirking as a faint blush appeared on Max's face "w-what?" He asked "well I gotta closet to set up!" "YOU BETTER NOT!" I ran as fast as I could, but I should've known he's faster.

Neils POV

I was chilling at home when Max came in through the door, pissed. Probably Nikki. He went up to his room and slammed his door. I decided to go upstairs and go inside his room, I opened the door and went in, locking the door behind me. He was in the middle of throwing one of his hissy fits and I had turned him around and looked into his green eyes. He started to calm down and I put my hands on his shoulders and pinned him to the wall. A light red spreaded across his face and he looked away from me "Max" I said trying to get his attention "Maaaxx" I whined as he still looked away "Maxwell~" i saw his eyes focus on my and I gently grabbed his chin to face me. "What's wrong?~" I asked him and I caught him look me up and down, checking me out quickly thinking I didn't see him "nervous?" He slight glared at me, making his green eyes glow "w-what? No!" "Prove it~" Max stared at me and pulled my shirt so I was closer to him, he roughly pressed his lips against mine. I smirked against his lips when I felt his tounge glide against my bottom lip. I playfully denied and a low growl came from him as he lifted up his knee and rubbed it against my crotch, making me moan. He took his chance and slid his tounge inside my mouth, exploring every inch of it, I moaned during the kiss,  our tounges fought and I ended up taking the win, making Max mad. He closed his mouth, making me mad myself. I bit his bottom lip hearing a muffled "ow!" As he glared. I still explored the inside of his mouth. I felt my face heat up a bit, knowing his knee was still in between my legs. Max started to moan every time I hit the wall, which was weird until I noticed that I brought my own knee up and started to roughly rub him. I kept doing this movement that he actually absolutely LOVED. With every hit, his moans grew louder and he enjoyed this. We broke the kiss to breathe, leaving only a trail of saliva between us, Max slightly started to pant but not by much, I completely pushed him against the wall as I attacked his neck, searching hungrily for his sweet spot. I finally found it after I heard a little moan escape from his lip, I sucked, bit, and licked that one spot until it was purple. I left more hickeys all over his neck. I looked at him and felt myself be dragged. Max, forcefully, pinned me to the wall and kissed me roughly again, putting his hand up my shirt. I moaned and shivered at the same time from his cold touch, before he got the chance to take control, I flipped him to the wall again, for doing that to him, Max grabbed my shirt, purposely slamming my body onto his. We both flinched at the light pain "getting rough now?~" I purred in his ear "only if you want me too~" he cooed back. We both smirked at each other as I took his hoodie and his shirt off, I unzipped his jeans and picked him up and carried him to the bed. I put him on the bed and kissed him some more as I had two fingers swirl around his waistband as he lightly moaned. I smiled against his lips and he scoffed. I took a break and he took this chance to flip me over. Max sat on top of me and I could feel his hard on, I blushed lightly and put my hands on his waist. I started to trail my hands all over his torso and he had shifted, pressing against me and a small moan came out. He noticed and started to rock back and forth on me. I started to moan and he suddenly stopped. I looked at him and frowned and he took off my shirt.

Max's POV

I took off his shirt and left love bites all over his neck and his chest, he moaned and I enjoyed this. He brought me close and flipped me over. He licked around my abdomen which made me go crazy. He rubbed the inside of my thighs and I started to move a lot "don't tease!.." I barked. Neil only smirked some more and teased even more. I growled and closed my legs. "Alright then" he got up and went to go downstairs "No!" He unlocked the door and went in the hallway. I got up quickly and stopped him "babe Noo" I grabbed his shoulders and threw him back in the room and locked the door "just have me" I purred and he looked at me. He unexpectedly tackled me and ripped off my jeans and boxers and he did the same to himself. He started to pump me roughly and I moaned uncontrollably.  he then stopped and went down to suck. Once he started to suck my member, I went crazy and gripped the sheets, he bobbed his head up and down, my member twitched. He stopped sucking and got in his position, I started to pant heavily until Neil rammed into me. I dug my nails into his back and started to scratch at it.

Neils POV

I heard him moan in pleasure as I kept thrusting into him. He wrapped his legs around my waist so I could be closer and so he could be more satisfied. It always took forever for Maxwell to be satisfied but this time, I don't think so. I kept thrusting into Max and his green eyes would look like they were rolling to the back of his head every once in a while, I went to go down to him and kiss him just for more pleasure as he was struggling to keep his moans in. He didn't like to show me that he gave in
And he didn't like for anyone to remind him of how happy he was the night the he was smashed. But I didn't really care. I felt a knot form in my stomach and squeezed Max's hand, letting him know. A couple minutes later, his moans died down and he held his stomach, we both reached our climaxes and were panting heavily. Max flipped us over to where he was on top. It started to rain outside and Max cuddled me the whole time and I did the same. He fell alseep before me because of the noise of the rain. Damn. I should've had his coffee in here. I kissed his nose and ruffled my hand through his hair and he smiled and made a purring noise and hugged me tighter. He might be an asshole, but he's MY asshole.

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