Chapter Eight: Huge Argument

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Max's POV

I was with Nikki walking around the neighborhood. I brushed my black hair out the way walking towards the alley way. Nikki then looked at me, her magenta colored eyes glistening "you sure you wanna go down there?" "Sure I'm sure" I said looking down the alley. I saw a bunch of broken glass and different sizes of massive sticks from trees. It was long and the sun was setting. "This is gonna be whack but let's go down it anyway" I shrugged as I walked down it. Nikki looked at me and then caught up. "So how are you and Neil?" "Good. Why?" "Can a best friend not worry? I might have things to do too but that doesn't mean I can't worry about you" "I don't know what the fuck that means but okay" I said as I smirked at her and she smirked back. Sticking her tongue out at me, she stared at me for a minute then away. "You and Ered?" I said as she looked away "good I guess" "you guess?" "I haven't talked to her that much these couple days. She said her dads are all over the U.S trying to capture five criminals at once or something like that" "bullshit!" She got startled and jumped a bit "what do you mean?" "I know her dads have dealt with me before but if I know them for sure, I know for a FACT they wouldn't leave this city without their precious daughter. Plus I saw one of them at the mall the other day!" "You mean when you and Neil got kicked out?" She laughed "that dude was staring at Neil!!" I replied harshly. "Okay okay chill da faqu out" She said as she giggled nervously. I calmed down a bit and looked down. She walked further ahead of me and started doing fortnite dances as I shook my head "you're gay for doing that" "I know I'm gay already you idiot" she replied as I laughed and rolled my eyes playfully. It was cold that day and it was cloudy. I was bored and decided hey let's go for a walk and Nikki found me being stupid with a gang of teens our age. She grabbed my by the wrist and said if Neil found out what I was doing, he'd never forgive me. Neil isn't big on alcohol or drugs. He's repeatedly had to tell me that he doesn't want me getting involved with shit like that. I'd always roll my eyes and ignore him until once I almost went to the hospital for it. I died down on doing weed or heroine. But I still did it and I thought I'd be okay until earlier when Nikki caught me. I begged her not to tell Neil and she promised to keep her mouth shut. But we were past that subject and started talking about how her and Ered were going and it led to where we are now. I walked right into a pile of broken glass since I wasn't paying attention as Nikki put her hands on her hips and gave me a look. "What?" I said casually but bluntly. "Really? Blind much?" "Oh shut up you're the blind one here" "am not! I'm not as blind as you, seeing what Neil would do to you if I told him about what i found you doing!" We started having a bad argument in the middle of an alley way as some families from their backyards watched and listened to see what was going on "I'm not as blind as you! Seeing how Ered is completely ignoring your dumbass!" "She is not! I'm not blind at all! I can see clearly through people!" "Oh but you sure are blind when it comes to Ered!" "You sure are blind when it comes to your parents not ever caring!" My eyes widened, Nikki covered her mouth, her face turning into a pile of worry and regret. I stared at her with a blank stare, my eyes going dull. I felt as if a brick wall just pushed itself on me as a wave of pain washed over me. She knew immediately she crossed the line with me. I tried to fight the rage and sadness that was bottling up inside me "oh, I KNEW they didn't EVER care about me! I wasn't an idiot who was blind about that! IVE BEEN SAYING IT SINCE WE WERE TEN!!" Nikki went pale, she started to shake and she held her arms. Her eye pupil grew smaller with regret. It took everything inside me to fight back what I was gonna say but it came out, I was teary-eyed a little bit as I clenched my fists and my whole expression changed as my stomach churned "YOU WERE ONLY BLIND WHEN IT CAME TO ERED CHEATING ON YOU" Nikki's eyes widened a lot more as she soon started to slowly walk away but backwardly as I stood there, giving her a death glare. She knew it would've never came out if she didn't say what she said. She had tears firmly trickle down her face as she got into a full sprint and ran away, leaving me alone in the long alley way as families grew quiet. I stared at the sky in unison, nervous about what would happen next. I decided to just walk home. I felt empty inside, a huge secret I was keeping to protect my best friend spilled out and it was her own fault for saying something so fucked up to throw me off. I then turned down the street that had the house I still lived in. I sighed and closed my eyes as I felt a drop of water hit my nose, it started to rain. The rain felt ice cold as it hit my skin hardly from the drops being so heavy. I threw my hood over my head and walked in the rain down the street, but very slowly. It started to thunder and lightning as i picked up the pace and soon broke into a sprint towards my house as the thunder got louder and in my head. I ran inside the house and locked the door, pressing my back against it, sighing heavily and sliding down to the floor, I looked up, teary-eyed again but this time, it was for real just full on crying. I hugged my knees and hid my face in them, knowing I was home alone, but still wanted to hide my face from anyone or anything, as if someone were there with me.

A/N: finally updated this story after idk how long?? Can you believe I haven't updated since December!? LmAo! Hey guys! And I just did Max's POV today. And I'll update another chapter very soon. Shit is about to take a huge turn! Be prepared! Bye! 💙💛

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2019 ⏰

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