Chapter Five: DAMN IT NIKKI

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Neils POV

"DAMN IT NIKKI" is all I wake up to at 5 in the morning. I wake up, and tiredly walk outside having the cold air hit me like a car. I go up to the two teenagers fighting on the road again. Again. For the third time. I can't deal with them anymore so I grabbed a stick and threw it at them both. Just my morning. Jesus Christ why? Why today at 5 in the fucking morning?? I eventually got them to both stop fighting and went back inside after that.
I walk inside the school "GOD DAMN IT NIKKI!!" Is all I hear as soon as I step inside "what the hell is going on?" I ask they both quickly look and stops what they're doing "fucking asshole..." Max mumbled under breath some more, but I couldn't really make out what it was. Nikki was just looking at him, trying to hold in her laugh, I could not tell what Max was saying but I could tell that he was mad at Nikki for something. The rest of the day went on like how it was. During math class, "DAMN IT NIKKI" "Max! Watch your language" the teacher yelled. At lunch, "DAMN IT NIKKI" everyone looked at us. The obvious trio of the whole school. I face palmed in embaracment. After school, "NIKKI YOU- DAMN IT!" at the movie theater, "GOD DAMN IT NIKKI!!" we got kicked out the theater. If you were wondering, we were watching that new Venom movie. Or at least we tried anyway.. On the car ride home, Nikki was being stupid and spilt her coke on Max's hoodie and he flipped. He flipped out so badly that I thought he was actually gonna end up flipping the damn car. I walked out the truck and inside but before Max could pop off on Nikki, I just ended up kissing him for a while to shut him up, that seemed to calm him down anyway. I gave him a look later on, he wasn't too pleased with me though. I had to separate him from Nikki before he would hit her with a car or something. I went outside, following him to make sure he wouldn't get a huge rock and chuck it at Nikki who was also there, standing right in front of him. Max growled at her and she ran off to the other direction. "You better not kill her in her sleep Max" I told him and he gave me an evil like look "surreee" he said, sounding like he was stressed out about Nikki. He started to twitch violently and I just took him inside. I made him calm down. He ended up falling asleep with his arms wrapped around my torso, his stuffed bear next to him. I smiled and ruffled through his hair, causing him to make a small purring noise and it made me smile even more.

Max's POV

I woke up to me cuddling Neil and he was asleep also but I didn't want to wake him up to move so I slowly worked my way to moving him upwards so I could actually get up and stretch. I noticed I had Mr. Honeynuts next to me. The fuck? Did he put it there and find it from my secret spot... Or did I get it myself? Well shit. There's no way he found it so I probably brought it with me. I sighed heavily and had went to the kitchen. Fuck. Nikki was there and I tried not to kill her. But I ended up getting two metal spoons and chucking them at her head. "OW!!" I guess Nikki's scream woke Neil up because he came running in the kitchen and grabbed me by my hoodie and took me up to his room. He threw me on his bed and took off my hoodie, leaving me in my yellow shirt. He threw my blue hoodie to the floor and kissed me roughly by surprise. He probably did it on purpose to have me to stay up there so I couldn't hurt Nikki again. He then gently pushed me to the bed and went on top of me, he still roughly pressed his lips against mine and had flipped us both over to where I was on top of him instead. I did the same thing he did to me and deepend the kiss every now and then. We both stopped to breathe and I stared at his ocean blue eyes and he stared at my sea green eyes. He smiled at me and I smiled back and he pulled out my stuffed bear and smirked. My eyes widened and I tried to snatch it from him but he was too quick. "Hey! Give it back Neil!" "No. You hit Nikki when I told you not to" "IT WAS WITH A SPOON" he could tell I was getting mad by the minute so he gently threw the bear at my face. Before I was gonna get off of him, he quickly wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me in. He kissed me and I happily kissed back. "Cutie.. " he whispered in my ear and my face slowly turned a bright red and laughed a little and hugged me closely. "I love you, you asshole." "I love you too, nerd" "please no more spoon throwing at Nikki" "alright fine.. That's only if you can be able to stop me from doing it" I smirked and quickly ran to the door and he stopped me, "oh I will. You just watch, little Maxwell" he said in a lustful voice and I smiled and kissed him real quick and ran out the door. I could hear his footsteps right behind me and grabbed Nikki by her arm and ran outside, laughing.

A/N: hai. Sorry I made a slow update. I've been busy wit things so ye. Well I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter and the next chapter won't come out until probably the day before halloween for a halloween chapter. So.. YEET-

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