Chapter Four: Happy Birthday Max

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Max's POV

It was just a casual day, me and Nikki fighting and Neil trying to stop me, just the usual. I walked around the same abandoned neighborhood I always did whenever I was bored or when no one was around me. I happened to see a spark fall from the sky and right in front of my red convers. I looked around confused, wondering why the fuck would there be a spark fly? I walked around in a circle, then saw another spark come from the right side of the neighborhood. I followed. It was still winter, the beginning of it anyway. I kept following to see a huge bon fire and to me the sight of it was beautiful.  I walked in a circle around it seeing if anyone was there, Neil was standing there. "Neil? The hell?" "I could ask you the same thing" "cmon. What is this?" I then realized it was my birthday and I remember telling him that I specifically told him I didn't want anything special for this day. "You like fire like this don't you?" Well shit. I hate telling him the things I love the most then he uses them. "I said nothing special" "I don't care. It just shows that I love you" Ered and Nikki popped out from the other side of the fire "happy bday Max" Ered told me and hugged me. Sure I enjoyed it but I didn't want them to know that. I hugged back and when she was done, Nikki playfully tackled me and I let her sit on my shoulders and I ran around trying to make her fall off. I admit it was going pretty good. I was the oldest in the gang, and it always bothered them knowing I was the first one to always turn a age older than them. Out of no where I heard a voice too familiar. "Well well well. Happy birthday you little shit" A tall female came from the side of one of the old houses and had dark purple eyes. Kinda like Nikki's but she had Magenta eyes. I instantly knew who is was and pulled out a job rejection letter from my back pack and grinned "you still have that??" "Read it every night" I winked making Gwen make a slight glare and laughed a little "so, why the hell are you here?" "Eh. Nikki somehow got a hold of me and asked me to show up and I felt nice for once and just went a long with it" I smiled "I don't see no happy ass grown man running around" I said "he got sick. He tried to come but that would get everyone else sick too so I said no" after a while Gwen had left to go check on David. It was just the rest of us teenagers there. Neil had stood next to me but I was too focused to notice him there

Neils POV

I went next to Max but he was just watching the fire burn into the wood. I looked at Nikki because I saw from the corner of my eye that she was making hand gestures to me so I looked 'make out with him or something!' She motioned 'here? Now??' I motioned back 'yes now!' I slightly glared at her and looked at Max and saw his eyes focusing on the sparks fly and the way the fire light reflects off his green eyes made it look like he was at a carnival surrounded by every colorful light in this world. He for once didn't rest his hands in his pockets from his hoodie. He had one of his hands laying at his side and the other one trying to catch the sparks coming from the fire that was getting bigger and burning brighter, I look over at Nikki and Ered is hugging her so tight that Nikki looked like she couldn't even breathe. I looked back at Max and he was still trying to catch the sparks. I could easily tell he enjoyed this a lot. I turned his whole body around but his eyes stayed on the fire the whole time. It sorta reminded me of the one time we had a huge bon fire at camp. I pulled him in for a hug and he hugged back immediately, still looking at the fire but he was smiling down at the ground. I lifted his chin for him to look up at me "hey.. You love that fire more than me" that seemed to get his attention and he looked up at me "no I don't.. You don't know what you're talking about" he smirked. Oh hell no. I didn't feel like hearing his sarcasm. Mostly because he's been acting like that all day and he knew it bothered me. I grabbed his chin again but with a slight grip "whaaat neil?" He whined, "oh hell no, no whining" "or what?" He had a grin on his face but glaring at the same ttime. I honestly didn't have anything else to say. I shrugged my shoulders and he laughed. Just to shut him up so he didn't make fun of me, I pulled his chin up and smashed my lips into his and I felt him smile against my lips and I couldn't help but do the same, his smile was a big one and I could tell he had a good day. He deepened the kiss however, obviously wanting more. I let the birthday boy do what he wanted. He went down to my neck  and tried to hold in my moans by biting my tounge, I soon tasted my own blood from biting down too hard and I let go of it, but had a moan accidentally slip out. I looked down at Max and he looked up at me with a smirk "you're cute" he said and I blushed a little, he went back to attacking my neck and I felt him smile again and I smiled down at him I hugged him while he was still doing his thing then he stopped and looked at me and smiled the cute smile he had. "Thanks Neil" "you might be an asshole but that doesnt mean that you don't deserve this" I told him, ruffling through his raven black hair which caused him to make a purring sound and I quickly looked at him with a huge open smile and his eyes widened "was that you??" I asked still smiling widely about to laugh "we don't speak of this around other people" "ok Max" "I swear if you tell anyone I will murder you!" I smiled more and kissed him one more time and held him close and tightly and he still watched every spark fly. I turn to Nikki and she's asleep on Ereds shoulder and Ered looked back at me and pointed at Max, both of us trying not laugh once I figured out Max crashed on me too, losing his balance and was leaning against me. I caught him before he could fall and carried Max on my back and Ered did the same with Nikki. Me and Ered started to giggle but held it in. We ended up going to my house and Ered slept with Nikki on the small sofa I had in my room and I cuddled Max in my bed until I fell asleep. But I couldn't help but try to make him to make the purring sound again, I honestly thought it was really cute. I ruffled his hair again and made the noise, smiling. Ered turned and giggled a little, and I couldn't help but do the same

A/N: hewo I updated this and I'll make another chapter tomorrow since I don't have school tomorrow *dabs* anyway. I hope y'all enjoyed this and I'll see y'all tomorrow 💙

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