Chapter Seven: Thunder and Lightning

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Neils POV

I was on the couch with Nikki, watching movies. She turned the TV off and went to the kitchen "the hell was that for?" I asked her. She just laughed her high pitched laugh and went to the fridge. Max wasn't home, which made things worse. Nikki knew where he was but she didn't want to tell me shit. Fuck this. I'm stuck home alone with a wild child. I'm sure she has rabies.. Anyway, I got up and hugged her hair. "Ow!" "I barely even pulled it!" She went behind me and punched my arm and this time, I actually pulled her hair as she tried to hit me again. She missed and I snuck behind her and yanked her shirt back. She really got pissed off and attacked me. We were fighting for a while until I heard footsteps on the roof. "The fuck?" I said, confused. Nikki looked at the roof and turned around back to the kitchen and acted like as if everything was normal. "You really aren't curious about who's up there??" "No" she replied, shaking her head. I then heard a clap of thunder and heard someone hit the grass outside. I jumped from the thunder and went to the front porch, I saw Max just standing there in what looked like amazement as it started to pour. I shivered from how cold it was outside, like the baby I am, and walked up to him. I tugged the back of his hoodie and he didn't turn. I pulled the back of his hood, sorta making him choke but he didn't even react to that. I grabbed his shoulders and turned his whole body around and he finally looked at me "what" he asked, getting impatient "its freezing out here! Cmon" "just because your cold doesn't mean I'm cold" he snapped back at me and turned back around. He was in one of his moods where he didn't want anyone to distract him or talk to him. I didn't care. He still stared at the pouring, cold, rain as I picked up a stick and threw it at him. He turned quickly, with a glare on his face "I'm only gonna keep bugging you until you come in" "then have fun being cold" he said and turned back. I spent the next thirty minutes whining and begging him to go inside but he wouldn't budge. I finally sighed heavily, sorta hurt and went to sit down until I heard a huge clap of thunder. Max knew I was afraid of thunder and as soon as I jumped, I felt his arms wrap around me. I felt more safe in a way and more calm. "Fine. I'll go inside, only if you stop being a baby" he sighed. I smiled at him and picked him up, then threw him over my shoulder. He groaned and punched my back, trying to get me to let go. We went inside and threw him on the couch, Nikki was upstairs messing with the game system. There was a knock at the front door, Max went up to answer it as Ered was standing there. Max picked on her a bit, making her shake from the cold. He finally let her in and she went upstairs to where Nikki was and we could hear the girls laugh and scream.   Max threw himself back on the couch but this time, he landed in my lap as he pulled my face closer to his "what are you doing?" I asked "what does it look like I'm doing" he replied. He had a small smirk on his face as he gently pressed his lips against mine. I felt him go down to my neck as I kept out small whimpers, but I grabbed his wrists and stopped him "we can't do this now, Max" I told him and he frowned, "why not" he replied, bitterly "the girls are here.. They would make fun of us for as long as we live" "fine by me. I just need what I crave right now" he said. I was gonna say something but he cut me off by kissing me before I could speak.  I felt his tounge glide across my bottom lip and I let him in.

Max's POV

Neil tried to stop me again but he soon melted in the passionate kiss and gave in. I felt him gently push me further to the couch to where he was on top, not breaking the kiss. I felt one of his hands touch my waist and I tensed up. Before we could actually get somewhere, I forgot to lock the front door as the whole gang came trembling inside the house. Me and Neil jumped up quickly, startled. The only ones who saw us was Nerris, Preston, and Harrison. Nerris was able to snap a photo and sent it to our group chat with everyone in it. Nikki and Ered soon came down the stairs and saw everyone and they all chilled in the living room with us. It was good to them all again but damn. We can never be alone that much anymore. Not counting the other night though- I went red just thinking about what we did that night and unfortunately, some of them noticed. "oh? What are you so red about?" Harrison asked and I glared at him, making him shudder. "They fucked the other night" Nikki quickly said. "We did not!" I snapped. "Yeah okay" she laughed as everyone started asking me and Neil questions all at the same time. Neil rolled his ocean blue eyes and I stood there, groaning and telling everyone to get out of my space. They of course ignored me And got louder and closer. Neil noticed how uncomfortable I was getting and grabbed my hand and took me upstairs. Everyone kept trying to follow us and spy but I quickly slammed the door shut, locking it. "Jesus fucking Christ" I groaned. I heard a clap of thunder and it started to rain harder. There was no way the others would make it home. Guess they were spending the night. I opened the window and my room had filled with the scent of rain. Thunderstorms and rainstorms always helped me get rid of stress or anger. It was soothing to me, and it was the only time I was ever calm. The noise was just so calming and satisfying, I loved it. I put my hood over my head as I climbed to the roof and Neil followed. "What happened to wanting something you craved so damn much?" He smirked and I stuck out my tounge in annoyance. He wasn't gonna let me hear the end of that one. I sat on the edge of the roof as Neil sat next to me and put his arm around me. I felt comfortable for once in years.. I forgot what it felt like, honestly. I guess I got too comfortable and got carried away because Neil was practically pinned to the roof  floor and I was gripping onto him. I didn't notice it though. I looked at Neil and flashed him a smile and he did the same. We stayed on the roof as I enjoyed the rain until it got worse and the wind picked up. me and Neil went back in my room and changed out of our wet clothes. I put on a new shirt and some jeans but since my hoodie was wet, I couldn't wear it which made me upset. Neil put on his pants but forgot his other shirt somewhere downstairs. I felt my face heat up and I started to get cold. I went under the blankets and stayed there for a while. Neil sighed and took the covers off of me, I shivered as he went under the covers with me. He was always warm for some reason though, as soon as he got under the blankets, I cuddled him until I was warm enough to let go. He smiled and kissed my jawline and to my neck. He left love bites all the way down to my collar bone, a couple moans came out here and there but he'd always make it short so I wouldn't have moaned loud enough for the others to hear. I did the same to him and left purple bruises all over his chest. He slightly brought me on top of him and gave me a long sweet kiss. I smiled and felt my fave heat up again. We messed around for a bit as the others were pressed against the door, hearing everything that was going on. Somehow, they hid a camera in my room and watched from there "I told you" Nikki said. They all silently laughed as they ran back downstairs to the living room and acted like everything was normal. Me and Neil came downstairs, I had put on one of my other hoodies but it couldn't cover my jawline So they saw. They laughed and teased a bit then stopped after I pulled all of them aside and had a small "chat" with them. They left us alone for the rest of the night, well at least we thought they would

A/N: hey. Last chapter was sucky, ik. I was up at three in the morning writing that so I was tired and put lack of detail in it. But eh. I'll make a better one soon. Hope y'all enjoyed this one and ill see y'all in chapter eight 💛💙

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