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Lance had always been a cinematic enthusiast. He considered everything in movies a kind of magic and he would go to the movies every single week to watch any new movies that were out.

But you could always find him at that cult cinema. He would go there almost everyday, most of the times he stayed for the movies. Mainly because they had the best caramel popcorn and the best cult classics.

Pidge on the other hand, she liked movies but she wasn't a movie snob. She would go to the movies once every 2 months only if there was something good to watch. And there generally wasn't.

Of course she would go to the cinema every weekday since it was the only place they hired 16 year olds that didn't include greasy food and payed more than 50 cents the hour.

Because the world is full of happy coincidences Pidge happened to work at that cult cinema Lance went to. And they would talk every time they saw each other.

They grew to become pretty close friends and even maybe hope for something more.

What's there to see today dearest Pidge Podge?- asked Lance bursting through the doors yelling, which was okay since they were the only two people there.
-On today's menu we have: "Paris-Texas", "A clockwork orange" and, my personal favorite, "The Princess Bride"- She answers with a fun expression in her face, a cute look of enthusiasm at the sight of her best friend with the same conversation starter of always.
-Wait, really?- He seemed pretty shocked- your favorite movie is: "The Princess Bride"?-.
-If I had to chose between those three I'd chose that one without even thinking once- She confidently remarked that, a bit offended since she already told him that-.
-Well, Who would've though?- He had a flirty mocking face as he said that- Do you consider yourself a Martha or a Betty?-.
-Haha- She ironically laughed at that stupid excuse of a question- You know I'm a Veronica-.
-Call me JD then- He looked at her with an eyebrow lifted as if he was trying to be seductive and flirty. Which, by the way, he was trying to.
-Horrible reference- she corrected- he was an abusing asshole-.
-I'm talking musicals-.
-Still, not your best-
-In the musicals, he was more a yandere than an abusive psycho-.

They went on talking about how musical JD is more redeemable than movie JD until Pidge's manager told her to, quote: "focus more on work and less on your boyfriend".

-Eww-Pidge said looking at the direction where the comment came from.
-What do you mean eww?- Lance seemed ofended- There is not one human in this earth that would say eww to the thought of being with me!-.
-There's always an exception to the rule-.
-Isn't that a rule?-.
-Well... yeah but-.
-So there's an exception to that one-.
-What if it's its own exception-.
-Let's investigate- He had a flirty look on his face as he said that.
-Would you like to grab a coffee sometime?-.

Pidge didn't answer. She saw it coming but she never really thought it would happen, she thought it was just a fantasy of hers or maybe a joke.

She took a chance.


Lance almost passed out. He thought she would laugh or ignore him, he never thought she would say yes.

-Ahhhh... ok! Then... would you..I mean..are you free this Saturday?-.
-Saturday, pick me up at 3, I'll be here-.
-Great- he said fully confident- I'll see you-.
-See you-.

Hey y'all, sorry for being inactive I just wasn't inspired but I'll try to post more.

If you have any idea of something you'd like me to write I'll gladly do it.

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