Movies 3: The Return Of The Garden

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-606!- Yells Pidge, she was very good at that game.
-I already gave up, you don't have to keep on playing- Lance wasn't annoyed that Pidge kept telling palindrome numbers; which is shocking since he gets super pissed when Veronica does the same thing.
-Oh, you're too late now! I'm good at this, I'm never stopping!- Pidge wasn't nervous anymore.
Earlier that day she was about to defenestrate everyone in her family; including Bea Bea.
She was freaking out since the outfit she was going to wear had shrunk in the washing machine and she'd look like a freak. It took a long discussion with lots of yelling until Colleen to convince Pidge to wear a dress.
It's not that she didn't like dresses, she wears them pretty often; they're pretty and comfortable. But Lance had never seen her in a dress and she was scared he would freak out, or think she doesn't look pretty enough.

What she didn't understand yet is: Lance LOVED her, and nothing could change that.


They kept on driving for a while and Pidge got a bit tired, so she fell asleep.

Every now and then he'd look at her, she was adorable.

-We're here!- He parked his car in the middle of what seemed to be nowhere.
-Where are we?- She was genuinely confused. The only thing she could see was grass-Are you gonna murder me and bury my body here?-.
-Yes- He said jokingly. They both laughed for a while-.
-No but seriously, what are we doing here?- She asked.
-We're having a date!-.

He looked so excited. Like a little kid on Christmas morning.

-Great so... What exactly are we doing?- She was very intrigued by Lance's plans.
-Ok, so. First, there's food, it's all in a basket-.
-Aha- She looked at him with a judgy yet lovestruck look.
-Then, we can talk. And since its getting late; I thought you'd like to stargaze a bit- That last part was his plan from the beginning since It's something he'd always wanted to do.

You could see the excitement etched in her eyes. She loved stargazing.

-Sounds great- She was noticeably excited so Lance got a little less tense.


They ate all the sandwiches and muffins in the basket. And they talked about many things, and Lance; being the insecurity ball he is, decided to ask Pidge something.

-Can I ask you something?- He said-.
-Sure- Her eyes looking right at him with a beautiful shine that would make anyone enchanted.
-Why did you agree to this?- He was aware that maybe being insecure wasn't the best look for a first date but, they had been friends for quite a while before this and she was very understanding.
-Well, why did you ask me out?- She said that with such an innocent smirk he couldn't look at her without feeling the need to hold her tight and kiss her for as much as he could.
-I guess... I love you- He basically mumbled that last part. Maybe this was stupid, he was going to fast and she was probably freaking out. She probably didn't even hear him.
She hold his hand as the they looked at the sunset and she put her head to his shoulder. He hold her even closer and kissed her head.

She sighed.
-I really don't get the hype for sunsets-.
-Of course you don't- Lance giggled.
-What do you mean?- She asked acting offended and pushing him away a little.
-I mean that the things you like all have a deeper meaning, it's more than just aesthetics-
-Do I?- She was curious of Lances observation, he was way smarter than he gave himself credit for.
-Yeah, you don't like the stars just because; you like them because the history behind them,  every constellation comes with a story and that's why you love them, a sunset doesn't tell you anything, it's just pretty, and that's not something you're into-.
She looked at him as if he was the answer to all her problems.
-Which begs the question- He continued- Why did you agree to this?-.
She took a moment to look at him. He looked even more attractive with the gold sun rays hitting his skin.
-Did you even hear yourself?- She asked giggling.
-That observation takes a brain, even though you don't notice you are smart, you act like a dummy but that's because people your whole life told you that you were stupid. They did it so much you bought their lies. You are probably the smartest person I know-.
-Sure- He interrupted.
-No, I mean it! My brother may be good at school but that doesn't mean he's smart, believe me, he's a fucking moron, in a bad way. You on the other hand have a different type of smarts; smarts that I find to be superior to academics. You understand people, you have social smarts that make you the charming lovable person you are, you can read a person with just a second of conversation. That's something I can't even do. You need to stop looking down at yourself like that-.

He hold her tight as the sun was falling down to let the stars shine instead. When they stopped, they saw a sky with hundreds of thousands of white freckles.

They held hands so tightly they were gonna be numb forever.

-You're the beat Kit-Kat- he said.
-I am aware-.
They both laughed and soon after Pidge looked directly at him and kissed him.
At first he was shocked but then he corresponded. She smiled and soon they were both laughing.

When they pulled away they looked at each other and Pidge threw herself on him, she basically tackled him, and they hugged for a while in silence until Pidge decided to break the ice.

-I love you too Lance-.
He was shocked for a second but then he pulled her in for a kiss.

They spent a good hour looking at the stars and forming constellations of their own. Thrown in the grass and completely in love.


Affection is disgusting.

Okay, I was feeling inspired so I did this and threw a little motivational speech in it.

Gentle reminder: You're not whatever they call you. You're not ugly, you're not stupid. They probably won't stop calling you that and that you have no power over.
But for the love of la that is good. DON'T BELIVE THEM. THEY DONT KNOW WHAT THEY'RE TALKING ABOUT!

Also we got to 2k reads so. Yey me.

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