Chapter 1

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Wally West stormed angrily into the garage, his vans slapping against the concrete with every menacing step.

Receiving bad news via text message would put anyone in a bad mood.

"What do you mean she just left?! What the hell does that even mean?! How is all of her stuff just gone?!"

Barry Allen watched from his spot on the couch as Wally nearly popped a vein with how much anger he was keeping reined. His voice was nearly shaking with controlled anger.

Beside him, Cisco Ramon had his head resting on his hands, rubbing his face tiredly. His shoulder length black hair was tied back in a messy ponytail that rested on his neck.

"I told you, she came by while Barry and I were getting ready for class, boxed up her shit in our room, apologized, and left. I don't have much else for you, Wallace." Sara Lance responded testily, clearly not in the mood to be yelled at. Especially by someone she considered to be her little brother.

Of all of them, Wally was the youngest, but also the most passionate. And when he expressed his emotions, boy did he express them with vigor.

Wally's eyebrows scrunched together and he kicked the armchair to release some pent up anger. "What the fuck, Caitlin." Wally cursed their absent friend. "Why would she do this to us? She knows Battle of the Bands is in four-fucking-weeks!"

Cisco sighed and Barry turned to him again, patting him on the back. This had to be the biggest betrayal for Cisco. He was the one who'd been friends with Caitlin the longest and had the closest connection.

Though not as long as Barry and Cisco. Cisco and Caitlin had been in the same psychology class in high school while Barry had opted for anatomy that semester instead. But ever since then, the three had been great friends. Nearly inseparable.

"Maybe someone should text her." Cisco suggested. "Maybe she has a perfectly good explanation for why she up and left and didn't show up for rehearsal."

Sara narrowed her eyes at him. "You really think that wasn't the first thing I tried? She hasn't answered me or Barry and it's been hours." The blonde snapped.

Cisco opened his mouth angrily to retort back but he was stopped when Barry cut in immediately.

"Okay, guys. It's no use jumping down each others' throats. I know we're all stressed and on edge, but fighting won't help. We have to stay together."

Sara slumped in her seat at the counter in defeat and Wally groaned, leaning against the fridge. "Barry's right. We need to calm down. Let's go get hammered." She suggested.

That made Wally scoff. It annoyed him that the rest of them wouldn't let him drink. He had a fake ID and everything. Wally had a feeling it had to do with his sister, Iris, who likely instilled the fear of god in them. "I'm underage remember?"

"So Wally gets a Shirley Temple and the rest of us can go drink our body weight, yeah?" Sara tacked on.

Cisco barked out a laugh and Barry grinned. Immediately, some of the tension left the room.

"Later, Sara. It's four in the afternoon." Barry shook his head fondly. "Right now, we need to decide what we're doing."

Cisco quirked an eyebrow. "What do you mean?" He asked.

"I mean, are we going to disband the band. Or.... ya know, find a replacement?" Barry asked softly.

This was a shitty, shitty conversation to have right now. But he and Sara had known about Caitlin's odd departure since ten this morning and had been sitting on it ever since.

Which means plenty of ideas had already ran through his head. Plenty of thoughts and justifications for why Caitlin left.

But she was ignoring them, she'd moved all of her things out of their shared apartment, and she hadn't shown up to practice. Suffice to say, she had quit the band. There was no other reason.

"We're not giving up this band. Guys.... Come on, we can't." Wally pleaded.

Cisco honestly looked like he was ready to give it up. Sara looked stoic as usual. Barry didn't know what he wanted.

Going on without Caitlin would be so, so painful. She was their lead singer, a core member of their group. And basically like a sister to them all.

But the thought of giving up the band..... Well that was much worse. He'd found himself in this band, they all had. They'd found themselves in the music and in eachother.

This band was a part of them now and there was no way he was giving that up. He'd found himself a niche with these people.

Barry wasn't exactly outgoing, didn't have many friends. None of them did really, they were a band of outcasts but they always stuck together.

And that wasn't about to change.

"I'm not giving up on this band, Wally. But everyone needs to agree. This is everyone's band, we all get a say. So lets take a vote." Barry told them, receiving nods in response.

"All those in favor of going on without Caitlin and finding a new lead singer?" Wally asked, raising his own hand and looking around at the others.

Barry raised his hand immediately, nodding at Wally whose eyes shone with gratefulness.

This band meant more to Wally than any of the rest of them. Being a music major (with a minor in mechanical engineering), this band was a definite stepping off point for Wally. A way for him to possibly get his foot in the industry.

It took Sara a moment but she raised her hand firmly, smiling at Barry. He grinned back. He'd definitely formed a close bond with Sara. Next to Cisco, she probably knew him better than anyone.

It was down to Cisco, and the others turned to look at him expectantly, waiting for his answer.
Finally, after a good thirty seconds, Cisco raised his hand too, much to the relief of the other three. "This is gonna be hard guys. We have to find someone and teach them our cover songs and setlist in less than four weeks."

"We can do it, Cisco." Wally affirmed.

The two shared an affectionately brotherly glance before Cisco nodded.

"We're not going to do some 'all-hands-in' bullshit are we?" Sara asked sardonically.

Cisco snorted. "We're not the fucking Scooby Gang, Sara."

Wally laughed. Barry stood up and picked up his bass, strumming a few easy notes with a smile.

"Okay, gang. Guess we're on the hunt for a new lead singer!" Barry imitated said Scooby Gang leader and grinned at them, clapping his hands together while his guitar hung off his shoulder.

This was going to be interesting. He just hoped there were people willing to audition for their little cover band so late in the semester.

Maybe it was time they recruited some outside help....

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